How many times a day do you have to send a status update
regarding a claim? How many times are
you required to send along some kind of back up documentation; a contract, an
invoice or two, statements of account, etc…? This can become a time-consuming task.
We have created a new feature; with the help of Stephen
Gebeloff of Gebeloff Law in Boca Raton, FL.
He needed a way to status update his clients with the ability to attach
multiple documents at the same time.
Creating and sending the status update, then having to send the
back-up documents from a separate location is time consuming.
This is how it works; a status update is scheduled, if there are documents attached to the claim, the question, “Would
you like to add attachments? Yes or No, will appear below the comment box under the status tab and if there are no
attachments, this question does not appear.
If you are interested in this feature and would like to have
it added to your CasetrackerLaw system, give us a call or send us an email.