Monday, June 2, 2008

The 'Office'

It's 7:00am and the GM is already in the office and on the phone, walking and talking. He does most of his phone work while he's walking around the office, observing "everything". His office door is always open so that he can hear work being done. You know the sound, phones ringing and being answered, computer keyboards clicking away and phones being dialed. Sometimes you will hear the rustle of paper or the mechanical grind of a printer , scanner or copier.

Now it's 8:00 am and the people/staff are starting to show up for the days 8 hours. As they go their separate ways to do the various things they do that keep the 'office' running, you can almost hear their thoughts, "I wonder what today will be like?" Who will I have to deal with today and how will I deal with it?

I come in at 8:30 am and go directly to my desk and try to get it ready for the day. Sometimes there might be an IT guy sitting there using my computer. (I hate it when someone uses my computer. It's like when someone drives your car, it just doesn't feel right for a while) I sit down at my desk and start the day by opening up the calendar. It will tell me what the agenda is for the day and who needs to be where and when. Then I open up the other four windows that I use to run my day.

The lady who sits behind me during the day comes in at 9:00 am and the 'office' is already getting warmed up. As everyone else comes in for the day, saying cheerful "good mornings" to people as they pass, you can always tell when they would rather be somewhere else. Donna brings with her the 'office' pets. A small white dog and a hairless cat. They add a lot of atmosphere to the 'office'. They visit with everyone in the 'office' and everyone in the 'office' loves to have them in the room because you never know what they will be doing, especially the cat.

'Office life is what you make of it. Sure there are times that you don't want to be there anymore than the next person but you have to earn a living so you might as well have a good time while you're earning it. My 'office' is a great place to spend my 8 hours a day.

Becky (a 9 2 5'r)

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