Monday, September 1, 2008

Florida Hurricanes And CTLaw

During the months of June through September, the state of Florida is on high alert for hurricanes. Either Florida is storm free or there are storms all lined up and ready to knock on our doors every other week. Shutters go up and shutters come down. Business's suffer all over the state depending upon where you are when a hurricane happens to hit. Some buildings are completely destroyed and some are just badly damaged. When this happens, people don't go to work because there's no work place.

Because my office uses Casetrackerlaw, 100% web based collection software, we can work remotely and not lose time at work just because of a little storm outside. The only reason we couldn't work from home after the storm, is if we lose our electricity and if we do lose our electric and the roads are clear enough to drive, our office has a backup generator and our office is up and running. Just because Florida is down, doesn't mean the rest of the world is.

In closing, during the last major hurricane, which was "Wilma". She ran right over us! We had no electricity for 16 days, however, we never lost a day of work.

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