Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sales, Your Way

No two people work the same way. Casetrackerlaw gives you the versatility to do things "your way".

Casetrackerlaw's sales tool is a completely automated management system. Users are able to schedule followup calls to their sales leads with a "prospect followup" tab that will tell them who, when and why the call should be made. This tab is found at the top of the page as soon as you log in and there is a number next to it letting you know how many followup calls you need to make that day. At the bottom of this page there is an extensive notes section that gives you the space to make as many notes as you want. Some sales people love detailed notes while others jot down a few words and move on.

There is also a "prospect reminder" tab, also at the top of the page, that will allow you to give this prospect a priority using a color coded indicator, a date to call back and a smaller note section for details about why the call should be made. Opening this page will give you at a glance, due to the color coded reminders, which prospects are priority.

I will continue to discuss, in the following posts, more about our great sales tool and it's extensive features.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Haiti.

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