Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where is my Update?

Updates are a huge part of the debt collection industry. Without updates, the client or creditor would never know what was happening with the company’s money. Are their claims being worked, are calls being made, were letters mailed or has any money been collected or promised? What’s the best way to request and receive updates from your business associates? Maybe you have in-house collectors, each with their own work email and phone line. Waiting for a phone call before you can make an important decision regarding a claim is time wasting and not cost effective.

CasetrackerLaw has resolved this issue. Administrators can set a work email within the system so that all updates or requests are sent to one common email. Once an update is sent, it is received in the “latest updates” section and will also appear in the “notes” section of the claim. The collector can then reply to the update by clicking the “status” tab, type a response and it will be sent via the CasetrackerLaw system. The client will receive the response in his email and within the system. The bottom line is that all communication is done within the CasetrackLaw system.

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