Friday, April 16, 2010

Deposit Report

In any company, large or small, keeping up with the banking is a major concern. From when a payment is received to when that payment is deposited into the bank.

CasetrackerLaw has a built in “deposit report” that can be run at any time in order to see all the received payments. The information found in this report will tell one the exact date and amount of a payment, the check number, the claim ID, the debtor it was from and the creditor it’s for. From this information, one can decide which payments need to be deposited and by checking the boxes that run along the left side of the report and then the “deposit” button at the bottom of the page, a new report will come up with the listed payments. These selected payments will be removed from the original “deposit report” generated. Another little “help tip” for this report is that once the deposit report is generated, it can be printed and the information can be compared to your bank deposit slip and the total is calculated for you as well.

Contact us for more information on this report or any of the many features found in the CasetrackerLaw system. Visit or call 800-270-1197

Mr. Steed, the general manager of CasetrackerLaw is traveling again. He is on his way to Clayton, NC to visit his grandchildren. While there he will be checking out the 14th Annual Pleasure Island Chowder Cook-Off, Sat. April 17th at Carolina Beach Lake, in Wilmington, NC. On the way back he has planned a stop to visit with Chris Kropac of PCI Group, Inc. in Ft. Mill, SC, an affiliate of CasetrackerLaw.

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