Monday, July 21, 2014

Reports - "Report Settings"

Reports are a part of business that can be a real headache.  Reports are generated for a variety of reasons.  They are generated to track or monitor specific departments with regards to inventory or money or people. 

CasetrackerLaw software includes approximately 75 reports and the ability to view them either all at once or in a Dropdown View.  Some of the reports are customizable and you have the ability to display only the reports you need if you are using the Dropdown View.

“Report Settings” is located under Settings.  Here you can select which reports you want displayed in the Dropdown View by selecting yes or no.  There are 2 dropdowns displayed; the first are the reports that are customizable.  These reports give your numerous column options so generating a report that displays the results you are looking for is easy.  The second dropdown menu of reports are non-customizable but still have the option to only display the reports you want.  Why have reports displayed if they are never going to be used?

If you have any questions about the “Report Settings”, please contact our office.
954-755-1763 / 800-270-1197

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