Monday, October 31, 2016

Credit Managers & Collections

Money Management & have more than 3,000 hardcore collection attorneys that we forward business.  You as an individual or firm can have a secure recovery software to manage your receivables and have access to these hardcore attorneys as well.

Money Management is a debt recovery firm that has just added a Private Investigator to the team, Esquire Investigative Consultants.  Anything you need to know is just a click away.  We recover the delinquent debt in the US and International; we also give you a portal to submit and monitor your claims.

We invite you to take a tour of the software Casetrackerlaw to see the many features it has to offer.  We are in the process of developing a cutting edge network and highly upgraded system for law firms, agencies, debt buyers, state level courts, medical offices, tenant management companies and corporations.  We have systems in the Turks & Caicos Island, S Africa, and Germany.

We invite you to visit, click the “Debtors Prison” link and if you would like to know more about profiles, click the “Profiles” link, starring Jezebel.  

Check out our Blog and follow us by clicking the “Follow” link on the left-hand side of the page.  We have a lot of new activity coming.

Call us for more information and to take a tour.  800-270-1197

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

QUICK PRINTS: Convert HTML to PDF for E-filing

Casetrackerlaw plays a major role in the busy working office of many law firms.  Those law firms use the document merge feature on a daily basis to merge claim information with letters and court forms.  E-filing to the courts has become more and more in demand.

If you need a way to E-file with the courts and need to submit a PDF we have a way for you to do that without having to modify your system.

Using Chrome, go to any claim in Casetrackerlaw, go to the Quick Print Blue claim tab, click Get Letters, select the document you want and select the HTML option.  Once the document is displayed, select the Print option.  On the left-hand side, you will see an option called Destination…click the Change button and select Save As PDF then click the little Save button to name and save on your computer, either in a folder of on the desktop.  This form merges with the claim information previously created from within the Letter Wizard and creates a perfect PDF. 

If you have any questions on how to do this, please feel free to contact our office for more information.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Letter Merge - Letter Wizard

Casetrackerlaw has a Letter Wizard.  What is a Letter Wizard you ask?  In my opinion, it is one of the coolest features in the Casetrackerlaw software system.   

You can create custom letters, notices, acknowledgments and court forms that will merge with claim information.  If there is a field you need to merge into a letter but no merge code, we can fix that by adding a merge code.  As you can see by the 2nd illustration below, the Letter Wizard looks and works very much like Word.  Illustration #1 shows the letter templates listed, and they can be edited and saved or duplicated with a new name to create a whole new template.  Court forms can be created and with a little time and effort, they will look very professional.  When you are ready to generate a letter, a template is selected from the Quick Prints tab inside the claim.  The template can be generated and printed or stored in the Letter Queue to be printed later.  These letters are also accessible via many of the reports to generate letters in bulk.  Letter Folders can be created with a category name that you can store your letters in.

#1. Letter Templates 

#2 Letter Wizard

If you are interested in this feature and would like to know more about Casetrackerlaw, give us a call at 954-755-1763 or 800-270-1197