Friday, January 29, 2010

Media Rolls And Screenshots

It's finally Friday and what a hectic week it's been.

We've added something new to the home page of our website, it's called Media Roll. We created our media roll using Jing and Screencast. For those of you that don't know about these two online tools, I highly suggest you check them out. What these tools allows us to do is to take screenshots or 5 minute videos and make it available to the world within seconds. Doing this gives your clients the ability to see screenshots of images captured from online screens or pages. We currently have a media roll available to view located at the bottom right hand corner of our website.

We just did an interview with Courts Magazine who requested that we send them screenshots of our software. When the magazine comes out in March, we will make it available. We currently provide web based collection software to the Bexar County and Austin County courts in TX.

Next week I'll be talking a little about our new interview and video regarding the IPhone. I'll also touch on a few FAQ's. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Apple IPad

Today I want to touch on the new technology out there, in particular, the new Apple IPad.

Imagine having a client that has the ability to log into the Casetrackerlaw system right from his IPhone or IPad and submit a claim right from his phone or pad. Anyone that uses the system has the ability to do this as well.

People don't know that Casetrackerlaw runs nicely with Apple products. Alot of our clients use there Iphone today in order to access CTlaw and create their own App. for it. Here's a hint for all of our users, did you know that you can have your reminders sent to any phone at 6 am every morning. If you would like to know how to do this, give us a call.

In closing, our office can't wait to get our hands on an IPad so we can test it with Casetrackerlaw. If you know of any other collection software that operates on the Apple system or Iphone? let us know. Stay tuned for updates on the IPad.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3rd Party Collectors

Occasionally the "Chief" will venture out into the real world and visit a client. Today the adventure is with Mr. Jason Bocchino of The Firm another up and coming collection agency, located in beautiful Vero Beach, FL. The staff at The Firm have been using Casetrackerlaw and tell us how easy it is to generate a report for almost anything, how they can create and generate letters, automatically fax and email demands with a click of the mouse and that our customer service is awesome.

Previously I blogged a little about forwarders and what they are: an agency that forwards to attorney's, a company with multiple locations, a company with multiple collectors and a debt buyer that wants to manage their portfolios and electronically forward them out. Forwarders can also be companies that forward claims to another company/agency or to collection law firm or any 3rd party collector. Casetrackerlaw gives you the ability to forward your claims in bulk to a 3rd party collector in the state you choose.

Call for details, visit our website and visit The Firm's website for more information on them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Reducing Labor - Increasing The Bottom Line

As I mentioned yesterday while working remotely, Casetrackerlaw is working on a project for one of our newest clients, Robert Remo of RMC Consulting Group LLC in Smithtown, NY. Click on the link to visit the website of an up & coming collection firm in the US.

Casetrackerlaw, as we have stated many times, is only limited to the imagination of it's users. The Readers Digest version of this story is: If you are a client of Mr. Remo's, you will have the ability to submit claims electronically, from 1 claim to 1000's. Now comes the swiftness...Why? Because the older the debt, the less you will recover, therefore, debt should never stop moving. At the click of the mouse, debt will be sent to a 3rd party mailer, click...a demand letter is mailed out the next day, click...a copy of the letter is digitally attached to the original claim. All of this is accomplished for about 55 cents per letter. FYI: Casetrackerlaw can interface with any 3rd party sevices.

I will keep you posted as we move along with this project and if you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call and when you have a minute, visit our website.

In closing, one of our missions at Casetrackerlaw is to be able to increase the bottom line of any company with each click of the mouse which in turn helps keep companies alive in this economy.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Number One Feature Of Casetrackerlaw - Working Remotely

Today I'm working remotely because I'm feeling a little under the weather, however, debt never stops with Casetrackerlaw because staff, such as me, can work from another location anywhere in the world and still be connected to the office through Casetrackerlaw's communication system called "Message Board". Administration is also able to monitor the progress of staff working from remote places by accessing the system. We currently have clients that have staff members working from remote places and tell us how convenient this feature is for them. A claim and all claim information and documentation supporting the claim are accessible from any computer from anywhere in the world.

The chief tells me they're working on a new project this week. Generating letters from a third party who will also mail the letters for them. All you have to do is send the company the letter or document and they will re-create it and mail it for you. We'll talk more about this new feature as the week progress's.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Forwarders And Casetrackerlaw

Yesterday I was experimenting with the Casetrackerlaw CSV interface for uploading claims into the system. What an amazing feature this is. I was able to receive a spreadsheet with claim information, upload the information and begin working my claims within minutes.

Uploading for creditors is one thing, uploading for a forwarder is unique. Let me explain the functionality of a forwarder as follows:

Most people have no idea what a forwarder is. In theory a forwarder is a person who forwarders claims from the original creditor to a collection law firm or collection agency.

In Casetrackerlaw, a forwarder can be one of 4 entities:

1) An agency that forwards claims to a collection law firm

2) A creditor/company with multiple locations

3) A creditor/company with multiple collectors

4) or A debt buyer who wants to manage their portfolios and electronically forward them out

(I will talk more about debt buyers at a later time)

Casetrackerlaw's CSV Interface can accommodate all of these entities.

It's Friday so who knows what I'll be talking about on Monday so stay tuned and visit our website, watch a few video's, become a member of our blog and you can also request a demo.

Have a great weekend. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Uploading Claims - CSV Interface

Switching gears today...I know I said I was going to talk about creating letters this week however "the boss" decided I should tell you about how you can upload claims, in bulk, right into the Casetrackerlaw system using a CSV interface that is built in.

What does CSV stand for? Comma Separated Value. What does this mean? It's a commonly used EDI format to exchange information from one system to another. Casetrackerlaw allows it's users to upload claims from a spreadsheet that is stored in your computer right into the Casetrackerlaw system.

The first time I used this feature I was impressed with the speed and ease with which I could upload claims. I uploaded my CSV file that I recieved from my client, mapped the columns to the corresponding fields in Casetrackerlaw and that's it. Done. Now I noticed I had 100 claims in my new claims list. I am now able to work my claims, set reminders, change status etc in bulk right from my "new claim list".

If you are a Casetrackerlaw user and you havn't used this feature yet, do so. If you have questions feel free to give us a call. In the meantime, visit our video library and view the video on the Letter Wizard that I was talking about yesterday.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mail Merge Week

Casetrackerlaw has two other great features with regards to creating letters that I want to continue with. Word, which allows you to automatically select a letter directly from inside the claim you are working on and place the letter you select into your letter queue until you are ready to print them at the end of the day. A letter can be generated any time. For example: you're on vacation or sitting in a coffee shop. You can generate a letter and have your office print it and mail it for you.

The next feature is creating a "PDF Letter Merge" which enables users to turn any PDF form document such as court pleadings, garnishment forms and more into letter templates and then automatically merges them with the appropriate claim information. With a few clicks of the mouse you have a PDF document that can then be mailed or electronically sent to the courts.

I will be exploring these 2 departments in detail this week and will keep you posted...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Letter Wizard

As I said yesterday, Casetrackerlaw is creating letters.

It is amazingly simple to create and merge a letter in the Letter Wizard. I found that it works much better if you don't copy and paste from a document or upload it which also is an option you have. In some cases it may work. In my opinion, creating the letter yourself is much easier.

When you create your letter, you have a variety of can save it to your attachments, add a reminder to the letter that will show up on your reminder list on the day you select, you can add a note to the reminder and you can generate this letter over and over as well as edit it.

There is a phrase (Click and Print) that has been used in our office for years that I didn't quite understand but now I do. In order to create and generate a letter, all you have to do is "Click & Print". What could be easier? Casetrackerlaw never allows debt to stop.

View the video below to see how I set up a letter.
See the video

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mail Merge - 2 Money Saving Features

Today I am going to switch gears a little bit. Last week I was talking about Casetrackerlaw's automated sales tool and it's many features. This week I'm going to start off talking about "Mail Merge" and Casetrackerlaw has 2 built-in letter creating features that are so easy to use that it reminds me of the commercial for Geico "even a caveman can do it".

The first one is Word which operates with Word 03 or 07. This mail merge feature allows you to create your letters right from Casetrackerlaw's system using documents that you have already stored in your computer.

The second way to create a letter and merge information is with "Letter Wizard", Casetrackerlaw's own mail merge feature that allows you to merge information into pre-selected fields that require specific information.

I will be explaining this week how these 2 amazing features work and how they will save your employees and company time and money.

Call or Visit our website and become a friend of Casetrackerlaw on Facebook.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sales - A Click of The Mouse

Sales people have the sole job of generating leads, working the lead until that lead turns into a prospect. A prospect then, hopefully, becomes a client.

The process that takes place to get to this point can be a long one and the tools you use should make this process seamless. Casetrackerlaw's sales tool is full of robust features that will make your job as a "prospector" a lot more functional. With a click of the mouse, you are able to send your lead information regarding your company, either by email or fax. All the documentation that you want to send to your lead is stored right there in the sales tool. There is no need to take the time to browse your computer looking for the document you want to send. You can upload as many documents of any size or format right into the system.

With Casetrackerlaw, you can work your way and save time and money. Visit our website to see more and give us a call to schedule an online demo.

"Our goal is to reduce the bottom line with every click of the mouse"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Casetrackerlaw's Sales Department Continued...

The sales department in Casetrackerlaw is a start to finish product. With a couple of clicks of the mouse, users are able to purchase leads online, download them directly into the sales tool, and the leads manager assigns them to the sales staff. Leads can also be reassigned and transferred among sales staff with a click of the mouse as well.

As soon as a lead is contacted and becomes interested, a click of the mouse moves it from the leads department to the prospect department. Next, that prospect may become a client and with another click of the mouse is moved into the "client side" of the system. In most cases, in order to do this, there needs to be more than one software to follow this process. From lead to prospect to client. Casetrackerlaw allows you to do this your way, with a few clicks of the mouse, your leads move forward, along with all notes and information collected along the way.

This sales dept can be rented on a month to month basis with no contract. Call me for more details or to schedule an online demo.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sales, Your Way

No two people work the same way. Casetrackerlaw gives you the versatility to do things "your way".

Casetrackerlaw's sales tool is a completely automated management system. Users are able to schedule followup calls to their sales leads with a "prospect followup" tab that will tell them who, when and why the call should be made. This tab is found at the top of the page as soon as you log in and there is a number next to it letting you know how many followup calls you need to make that day. At the bottom of this page there is an extensive notes section that gives you the space to make as many notes as you want. Some sales people love detailed notes while others jot down a few words and move on.

There is also a "prospect reminder" tab, also at the top of the page, that will allow you to give this prospect a priority using a color coded indicator, a date to call back and a smaller note section for details about why the call should be made. Opening this page will give you at a glance, due to the color coded reminders, which prospects are priority.

I will continue to discuss, in the following posts, more about our great sales tool and it's extensive features.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Haiti.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Casetrackerlaw's Sales Tool

As I was saying yesterday, Casetrackerlaw has it's own automated sales tool. This sales tool is so cool and easy to use that it's almost fun to go to work.

I've used this tool for aproximately 5 years now and love it. When I first started working after years of staying at home with my kids, I had never used a computer. This was the first computer software I had ever used in my life and it was so easy to learn. Everything is automated and everything you need to make sales calls and collect information is right at your fingertips. You are able to email or fax sales information directly to your prospect right from the page you're on. No going to the fax machine or opeing your email. Calling a prospect back when you tell them you will is surprising to them and they don't expect it. I've had job offers after calling a prospect back when I said I would because they are impressed with the my persistance. This tool is easy and fun to use, give me a call and I'll schedule a demo for you. Visit and see what else we have to offer.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sales And Marketing Tool

Baby, it's colder today than it was last week but it's suppose to start warming up by Thursday.

This week I am going to talk a little about Casetrackerlaw's sales and marketing tool. Many of you don't know that Casetrackerlaw, along with it's amazing web based collection software for collection attorneys and agencies, has a sales and marketing tool as well.

Casetrackerlaw's sales and marketing tool is extensive and completely automated. There is a reminder system, document storage and you are able to email and fax from the prospect page. All notes and contact information is stored neatly in one place. If you are looking for a great sales tool, you should contact us and take a guided tour.

Give us a call 954-755-1763 or visit our website at and request an online demo.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thank Goodness It's Friday!

Well it's Friday and what a whirlwind of a week we've had here at Casetrackerlaw. First I'd like to thank everyone again for being so patient with us as we've been doing a complete new year update or renovation if you will, to all our clients systems. Things should be back to normal next week but if you should get an error message on any of your pages, an email update regarding details of the error will be sent automatically to our IT department. Within a few minutes the error should be fixed. Come back in 15 minutes to check, if you still get an error message, please feel free to contact me.

We want to especially thank Alfonzo Cole, Jeff Hurley and Maverick Robinson for their contribution to making our system more efficient in moving large blocks of data, FREE! These people deal in large volumns of retail or consumer debt, from the best to the worst.

Casetrackerlaw allows you to move data free of charge just by simply using our system. There are numerous reports to choose from that can be generated just by a click of the mouse and Casetrackerlaw can easily interface with any other system.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Perfect Storm

As you all know from my blogs & Facebook posts, we have been busy making some major updates, primarily in the settings department. These changes will give our clients more control over their system. Yesterday we had a hailstorm in our office...but we would like to thank our community for being so patient and understanding. No one likes change however changes must be made in order to continue to move forward.

Casetrackerlaw pushes changes out quicker than any other company. What would normally take other companies months to put out, our team of engineers can push out in weeks or even days depending on the change. With more than 10,000 users of our system, we can uncover an error or problem and fix it in minutes thanks to our "error reporting system". The chief feels that time is of the essence and time is money so he would like to get these labor saving updates to you as quickly as possible. And again, we would like to thank our community for going through the storm with us and helping to make Casetrackerlaw one of the greatest tools in the industry.

The chief was telling me this morning that his imagination has been working over time thinking of ways to reduce labor and increase efficiency and providing the best technology to everyone at an affordable price.

PS: Don't miss viewing Atty Howard Schwartz's discussion on Ponzi scheme's. Visit Casetrackerlaw's website, the video's are at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Important Notice

All non-custom systems were updated over night. Alot of people don't know how our reporting system works...once you've received an error message on a page, our support team will receive a notice within seconds. That error should be fixed within a matter of minutes. Worse case scenario, an hour. One of my boss's objectives is to provide a system 99.9% error free...and we're not far from there now. If anyone has a problem, please feel free to call me directly at 954-755-1763.

FYI: the updates over the next quarter are simply amazing...visit our website, subscribe to our blog(it's easy to do) and stay up to date with all the news.

PS: I had to scrape ice off my car window before I could drive...Baby, It's Still Cold Outside!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

Whether you're in the north or south, east or west this year, you're cold. Sunny South Florida is where Casetrackerlaw makes it's home and like the song states... "Baby, It's Cold Outside"...for us anyway. The staff and I are thinking about relocating during the winter months, futher south, maybe the Bahamas...Our office mascot, Jezebel, who doesn't have hair because she's a hairless cat, stays warm by the fire most of the day, unless she can find a warm lap to curl up in.

While it's cold outside, Casetrackerlaw's engineers have been busy at work inside where it's warm, working on HOT new updates that will be released later this week. My staff and I are hot at work reviewing and testing the new releases.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back To Normal

We would like to welcome everyone back to the work world. We hope you all had a great holiday and are ready to get back to normal.

I walked into the office this morning to a boss that is way past ready to get back to work. He's given my staff and I the time-consuming job of testing Casetrackerlaw. While everyone has been celebrating and spending time with family and friends, our engineers have been hard at work making Casetrackerlaw even better. They have been updating and adding new features that will, as always, increase the bottom line. Increasing the bottom line is what it's all about anyway...keeping it simple and easy to use.

Visit our website, view our video interviews and request to take a demo or call us for more information.

800-270-1197 / 954-755-1763