Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Delete Claims - Bulk Deletion

Anyone who knows CasetrackerLaw will tell you that the staff does its utmost to make their clients happy. Recently we were asked by a client how they could delete, not archive their claims. In the past, this task was always done by our engineers; however…our engineers have added a feature that allows client administrators the ability to delete claims, in bulk.

Go to “Settings” found in the top right hand side of any page. Select “Delete Claims – Bulk Deletion” and a table will appear. Select a time-frame, a direct creditor/forwarder and a state. Click “Generate Reports” and the next table will show all the claims with the criteria selected. One has the option to delete claims individually by checking the little boxes to the left and click the “delete” button at the bottom of the page. Or, if one wanted to delete all the claims displayed, simply click “check all” located at the bottom of the page and then “Delete”, all the claims will be deleted and gone forever.

FYI: This new feature is found in the “settings” as a precaution. The only person with the authorization to delete a claim is the administrator.

If you would like more information on this new feature, give us a call and visit our newly designed website and let us know what you think.

www.casetrackerlaw.com / 800-270-1197

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