Thursday, June 27, 2013

CasetrackerLaw & Technical Support

When you hear the word “technical support”, how does that make you feel? Does it give you chills just thinking about having to deal with a technical support person or have you been one of the lucky ones and been able to get help within an exceptional amount of time?

Recently CasetrackerLaw has had to interface with another client’s software company and their support team. The project at hand required quite a bit of communication back and forth between Casetrackerlaw and the software team. They wanted to communicate via email however some inquiries required a phone conversation. Our emailed inquiries and phone calls, which were sent in the a.m., generally were not responded to until the following day. The reply, again generally came in the form of an email. A lot of times the response email generated another question.

A project that should have taken a few weeks, took over 2 months and is still in progress.
Lastest update: In the process of again waiting for an answer; until then we are at a standstill.

Casetrackerlaw prides itself on customer service.  Our staff responds to emails and phone calls within a few hours, not days.  We do our best to keep our clients informed and updated while working on a project.

Contact us: 954-755-1763 / 800-270-1197 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New Feature: Rolling Reminders

Casetrackerlaw is reminder driven.  Reminders are scheduled by collectors and sales people.  These reminders will be displayed on the dashboard in the system on the day they were set by the staff member.  In order to keep the scheduled daily reminders for either the collector or the salespeople, to a limited number, Rolling Reminders was created.

Rolling Reminders are 2 seperate Tabs that were designed for administration to track claim reminders set by collectors and prospect reminders set by sales people.   The grids give admininstration the ability to view and access the claims or sales prospects by clicking on a number and the claims or prospects will be displayed.

Claim Rolling Reminders is located under Reports on the administration side of the system.  Once selected, a grid is displayed that shows you the collectors past due reminders, today’s reminders and what is scheduled for each day the rest of the month, for each collector.  Each number is "hot" or linked to the claim so that users can click the number, and are taken into the claim information.  If a collector has no reminders set, that collector will not be displayed on the grid.  The administrator can then make educated decisions regarding the way a collector is working the claims assigned to him/her.

Rolling Followups is located on the "Dashboard" on the administration side and on the sales side and was designed for administration to track the prospect followup calls set by salespeople.  The grid here displays the followup calls a salesperson has scheduled, past due, today's and each day the rest of the month.  If the sales person has no reminders scheduled, his name will not appear on the grid.  Again, each number is "hot" or linked to the prospect information in order to be accessed.

If you have an interest in this new feature, please feel free to contact our office for details.