Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New Training Library Videos

Is there a feature in Casetrackerlaw that you would like to know how to use? Is there a feature your're using but not sure if you're using it correctly?

There are over 60 videos in our library to choose from and I am trying to create a video for each and every feature and function in the system so our software users are confident that they are using the system to its fullest capacity. Why pay for a product and only use a fraction of it? Our video library explains in detail how a feature works or what outcome you will get when you run a report. Listed are just a few of the videos that have either been updated or added new.

Admin_Client Dashboard Access
Related Claims Tab
Advanced Status Report
Collector Work Log Report
Admin_Bulk Delete Claims

If there is a feature or function that you would like to learn about that isn’t listed in our library, email me and let me know. I’ll do my best to create & post a new video to the library at your request. Here’s the link that will take you directly to the CasetrackeLaw Video Library.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays From CasetrackerLaw

We want to wish everyone a happy holiday season and safe new year.

During the rest of the year everyone is busy with work and family but during the holiday season when the work load slows a little, the chief here at Casetrackerlaw likes to get out and visit with a few local clients. He usually travels north to the Carolina's to visit with family however the grand kids are coming here this year. It’s a little more chili than we’re used to but still an absolutely beautiful time of year.

He just visited with the Law Office of Yates & Schiller in Boca Raton located in sunny South Florida. He was raving about how beautiful her new office is and that Ms. Yates had a major hand in designing it herself. We plan an upcoming interview with Julie sometime in early January and we may give you a little tour of her new office. Ms. Yates is one of the reasons CasetrackerLaw evolved and she played a key role in its creation and development.

A large part of her success is contributed to the use of the CasetrackerLaw web based collection system.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


It's gotten cold in South Florida again and South Floridians are ready for the warm weather they moved here for. Are you living in a state that is seeing its 6th major snow storm of the season? Is it a hassle getting to work? What if you could have your employees work from home? If they did work from home, how would you monitor what they are doing?

CasetrackerLaw web based collection software is the answer to this little problem. CasetrackerLaw allows collectors and administrators to log into the system from home and work remotely. Administrators, you are able to monitor every movement your employees make. You have the option to run a collector report at the end of the day to see the progress that was made or a money report that will tell you if any money was collected that day. Another report you can run is the claims report which will tell how many new claims were submitted for a selected time frame & the total amount placed.

Hint: It's important to keep your cookies clean in order to insure that all your reports are correct and up to date. Cookies can cause problems, if you don't know how to keep them clean, click the link and view the video.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Uploading To CasetrackerLaw Via Excel Spreadsheets

Having the ability to upload an Excel spreadsheet that contains hundreds or even thousands of claims or even clients to the CasetrackerLaw system is an easy task if done correctly. And it’s fast too.

The first thing you want to do is “clean” your spreadsheet. This means, take out everything except the information you want to populate the fields in the system. Each column must have a “header”, even if the “header” is NA or you can delete the column all together. There will usually be the name of the company or firm along with their mailing address. If there are commas or quotations or any other character that is not an actual letter, get rid of it. These characters will affect the way the information populates the merge fields.

Once you’ve “cleaned” your spreadsheet and saved it as a CSV, you are ready to upload your information. Go to “Interfaces” found either in the “Access Tabs” or the features dropdown menu on the left side of your system. Then select “CSV Interfaces”, browse your computer for the spreadsheet, name it, select the Direct Creditor/Forwarders and upload. (Selecting a Creditor/Forwarder is required, do not select “All”) The next page is where you will map your fields. The left side is your spreadsheet headers and the right dropdown menus are the merge options. Select the appropriate merge fields from the right, if you don’t see a field you want, use NA, then “Submit”.

If the information doesn’t populate the fields correctly, then something was wrong with your spreadsheet. Delete all the new claims back out by using “Delete Claims – Bulk Delete” found in the “Settings”. Recheck your spreadsheet & try it again.

If you still have problems, call the IT department for help. 954-755-1763 Direct

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Change Is In The Air

Hello. It has been a while but I am back to my blogging again. I’ll blog a few times per week and the majority of my blogs will be strictly about CasetrackerLaw. Occasionally I’ll blog about something going on in the office or maybe what’s going on in the world around us.

Change is in the air….political changes are happening, weather changes are occurring and CasetrackerLaw has changed as well…

Change does happen, good or bad, and when it does, it’s not the end of the world. Not everyone likes change but when positive things start to happen, then change is good. You may have noticed that Sandeep, our engineer/programmer is no longer with us. He needed change and has decided to go back to school.

In his place we are lucky to have Debbie Lundberg join our IT team. Debbie is a Microsoft certified professional. She comes to us with more than 15 years of accounting and programming experience. Debbie is originally from Boston, MA and has resided in South Florida since 1996.

We have also developed a new support system for our clients. When you have a question or an IT issue, please email in detail the issue or question. I will respond ASAP with a phone call or an email, depending on what the issue is. If the issue is a system modification (change made), it will be added to our IT queue and will be dealt with as it comes up in the time line. A phone discussion may be scheduled ….If you just have a question, I will email the response or give you a call.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Client Access 24/7

A client calls your office and requires an update on a claim they’ve submitted to your office and this particular client is hard to please. So you give them an update regarding the claim they’ve placed with you and they are satisfied for the moment. What if your client lives in a different time zone and you’ve left the office for the day when they call?

CasetrackerLaw software gives its users the ability to give their clients access with a username and a password which allows clients to access their claims 24/7. Your client can login and view all of their claims, check the status, check payments, check when they will receive their money, ask a question and much more. Updates are sent via the CasetrackerLaw system to the client and the client will receive the update via his email and the CasetrackerLaw system.
Call our office or visit our website to learn more. / 800-270-1197

Monday, July 26, 2010

CasetrackerLaw is Blogging Again

There have been many major changes made in the past couple of months here at CasetrackerLaw.

In our last update, CasetrackerLaw was in the process of moving and upgrading our "servers". The move is complete and things are going well. Everyone has been extremely helpful in their patience and understanding. We are excited about the changes made and know that we have made a positive move in the right direction.

Our clients are important to us. They depend on CasetrackeLaw to be there every day without fail. The reliability and security of our software is vital to our clients and our reputation as an up and coming cutting edge collection Software Company.

When our clients login for the first time in the morning and throughout the day, they want to know that they will be able to go to work from where ever they are and that their staff is able to login and begin work immediately. As the chief likes to say, “Time is money, don’t waste a second when you can be dialing a phone or creating some fantastic new feature to make CasetrackerLaw even greater”.

Our new servers are hosted with If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call our office. If you haven’t visited our website lately, take a moment and check it out. / 800-270-1197 / 954-755-1763

Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer / New Blog Schedule

Hello…It’s the first day of summer and it’s HOT in South Florida. Our summer blog schedule will be reduced.

A few weeks ago, our demo site which is hosted separately from our main database was under attack by a Trojan horse or Malware; a computer virus that infects computers that visit the site. As soon as we were made aware of the problem, within a few hours our engineers were taking necessary step to correct the problem. The site was closed down and anyone that tried to visit would get a warning page. We want to assure you that this attack did not affect anyone’s CasetrackerLaw system and your data is safe and secure. In fact, not only has CasetrackerLaw corrected the problem, we have implemented new security measures of encrypting and backing up your data. For more information, contact our office.

Mr. Pedersen of CFSC, LLC/The Check Cashing Store located in Engle Wood, NJ will be in town visiting and working closely with our engineering staff. He will be here for 3 days, June 21 through June 23 and plans to work while here however; there are so many places to visit and things to do that he may not get anything done at all. There is South Beach with an assortment of shops and restaurants, the newly renovated Ft. Lauderdale Beach on scenic A1A or drive North to West Palm Beach where you will find beautiful beaches, the Kravis Center for nighttime entertainment or during the day a visit to Mounts Botanical Gardens or go scuba diving off the coast.

Visit our new CasetrackerLaw Demo site and let us know what you think of our new “face”. / 800-270-1197

Friday, May 28, 2010

Memorial Day

Thanksgiving is the day when we give thanks for the things we have and Memorial Day is the day when we give thanks to those who sacrificed their lives so we can have the things that we have.

CasetrackerLaw and its staff would like to personally thank the men and women and their families for the personal sacrifices they make every day for America and the American people.

The staff at CasetrackerLaw will be enjoying a long 3 day weekend and will be back in the office on Tuesday, June 1st. We hope you all have a safe and healthy weekend.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Blue Claim Tabs - Promised Payments

CasetrackerLaw is a completely web based collection software that gives administration the ability to give their staff access to a multitude of “blue claim tabs” that perform different procedures. There are almost 40 different actions that can be performed by the collector. One of them is “promised pmt”.

In order to schedule regular and irregular payment plans and promised payments within the collection tool, the collector will select the blue tab “promised pmt”. Select the payment plan option you want, fill in the fields and submit. The scheduled payments will be listed on this page and if pre-selected when scheduling the plan, in the collectors “reminders” list as well. When the scheduled payment date comes due, the payment reminder will show up on the collector’s reminders list.

Also, there is a red “access tab”; “debtor promised reminder” located under the dashboard that if selected will display all the claims that have a payment plan scheduled. A collector can work from this page so that any claim that has a promised payment, current or past due, can be called immediately and the claim can be updated.

For more information on any of the great time-saving features within the CasetrackerLaw system, visit our website or give us a call and book a quick online demo. / 800-270-1197

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Uploading Claims & Leads

Do you manually add claims or sales leads onto a spreadsheet or into a database of some kind? If so, then you know how time consuming it is and you know that time is money.

The CasetrackerLaw system gives users the ability to upload batches of claims or sales leads right into the system from a CSV spreadsheet. It’s simple and fast.

Uploading claims: Go to “Interfaces” located in the red “access tabs”. A small box will appear with 3 interface options, select the last one, “CSV Interface”. Another box will appear where you will browse your computer for the “clean” spreadsheet, name the file, select the creditor and upload. Next you will “map” the fields from drop-down menus and when done, click upload and the claims will be added to the database of claims for the creditor selected.

Uploading leads: Go to the “sales” department. This tab could be found either in the red “access tabs” or the “Features” drop-down menu on the left side of every page. It will depend on where admin placed it when they set up their system. In the administration sales section you will see across the top you will see a list of red options. Select “Leads”, here you will upload your leads from a clean CSV spreadsheet stored in your computer. Select the sales ID, give it a category name and upload. The last step in uploading leads is “mapping” the fields with the contact information from the spreadsheet. Click upload and the new leads can be found in “manage sales” and assigned to the sales ID given when setting up the procedure.

Hint: Once you've created your spreadsheet, do not edit it: subject to cause problems.

For more information on this cool feature, give us a call and schedule a personal online demo. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Statute Of Limitations

This report is determined by the information in the “statute of limitations” field. This field is located under “claim info” in the blue tabs of every claim. Before this report is generated, the columns across the top of the generated report can be pre-selected by the administrator to display the information that is the most important.

Choose a time-frame; then generate reports and with 2 clicks, you have a report that displays the information that had been pre-selected. All of the columns across the top can be sorted in ascending or descending order. This is good if one wants to see all the claims with the same “status” or maybe the total amount placed is needed for all the claims in the system has a “statute of limitations” with a particular time-frame. Attorneys will find this report helpful for determining the claims with statutes that are going to be expiring.

For more information on this report or any of the features or functions of the CasetrackerLaw system, visit our website or give us a call. / 800-270-1197

Monday, May 24, 2010

Status Date Report

When a client is updated regarding a claim; they will receive the update in two ways, via the CasetrackerLaw system and they will receive an email through the email on file for their company. The update they receive is dated and time-stamped with a “claim status” selected by the collector and a note or comment regarding the claim or customer. When the “claim status” is selected, there is a drop-down menu with a multitude of options to choose from.

This report will ask you to supply a status start date and ending date; optional, the “status type” and the direct creditor/forwarder. The generated report will display all the claims in the system with the “status type” selected for the selected time-frame; if included. Also displayed across the top are the fields that can be preselected by administration. If no time-frame is selected; “all” the claims in the system with the same “claim status” will be displayed.

The bottom of the report shows 5 different quadrants that work independently of each other. First there is the option to add a reminder for a collector with a reminder date, a note if needed, the collector receiving the reminder, the priority and the reminder type. next the option to send a letter. The letter is -chosen from a drop-down menu; the letters listed are stored in “Quick Prints”, found in the blue tabs of any claim. The next quadrant gives the option to add a manually added note to the claim “notes” as an internal note; also found in the blue tabs of each claim. The final quadrant gives administration the option to generate a summary in a PDF format or to download claims Information to a CSV format.

Visit our website for more information: / 800-270-1197

Friday, May 21, 2010

The State of Ohio

Today is Friday and I’m not going to talk about software.

Every state has an interesting history and trivial little things that, if you weren’t originally from that state, you wouldn’t know about them. I’m going to talk about my home state, Ohio. I moved to Florida with my family when I was 6 years old so I didn’t learn much about Ohio until I grew up and moved away.

The name Ohio comes from an Iroquois word meaning “big river” and is known for being the “Buckeye State” because of the Ohio buckeye trees that flourish within its borders. It was designated the official state tree in 1953. The word buckeye comes from the Indian…they thought the nut resembled the color and shape of the eye of a buck. Ohioans have referred to themselves as “buckeyes” since the presidential election of 1840.

I remember that Ohio had 4 seasons and you knew when they were occurring. Spring is cool and a lot of things are starting to bloom and turn green; a bright green. Summer is hot and humid; but all the leaves and grass are a darker green and there are gardens in bloom in backyards. Fall is so colorful with all the leaves changing. When I was a kid, fall also meant the smell of burning leaves in the air or chimney smoke from the neighborhood houses. Winter meant very cold weather with snow covering everything and ice cycles hanging from the garage roof. I loved growing up in Ohio.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Settlement Report

The “settlement report” will tell administration the total amount of settlements for any given time frame and who the settlements are for.

This report is one of the easiest to run. A few clicks of the mouse to select a time frame and then generate reports. Displayed across the top of the report are the fields that have been pre-selected by administration before the report is run. If “claim ID” is selected as a field, the claim ID number will display in red which means if clicked, the claim will open and can be viewed in more detail. At the bottom of the report are the settlement totals for the selected time frame, the total amount paid and the total amount due.

For more information on the reports included with every CasetrackerLaw system, visit our website or give us a call. When you visit, view a video, request an online demo or check out the screen shots at the bottom of the page. / 800-270-1197

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Remittance Report

The phone rings and it’s a client wanting to know when they will be receiving their money. So the administrator clicks on the reports tab and selects “Remittance Report”. This report will display the information that is needed in order to answer the big question; “when will I get my money?”

When this report is selected, up comes a dialog box that gives one the ability to put in a time frame, select a direct creditor/forwarder and a choice of viewing the active claims, all the claims or only the closed claims. Click, generate reports and the report that comes up will show each claim ID in red so it can be opened and viewed in more detail. Also, displayed across the top are fields which are preselected by the administrator. These fields can be preset in the “settings” section found next to the “remittance report” under reports. The last two fields “remit” and “collection rate” are set and cannot be changed. At the bottom of the report are the totals for how much money was received, how much will be remitted and the total fees collected.

Using the many reports in the CasetrackerLaw system will, along with all of the other great features, save companies and business, time and money.

Visit our website…we’ve done some remodeling. View a few of the videos from the CLLA Conference held in Chicago recently. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Reminder Type Report

CasetrackerLaw is a “reminder” driven web based collection software system. When a collector makes a call and adds a reminder, there is a drop-down menu that gives you a selection of “reminder types” such as: Call, Money, Litigation, Profile, Waiting For Documentation…etc. Administration can create specific types by going to the “settings” section.

When this report is generated, it will display a grid that lists all the login names for the collectors added to the CasetrackerLaw system. To the right and across the top of the grid are listed the types of reminders set up by administration. Under each type you will see red numbers that signify how many reminders have that “type” of reminder.

This report is great when the administrator wants the collectors to begin their daily calls with the claims that have the reminders with the “reminder type” of Money. Or there may be claims with the “reminder type” of Discussion. The administrator can click the red number and the claim or claims with that “reminder type” will be displayed and the claim can be discussed.

We hope you find our blogs helpful…we will be covering the “settings” section soon. Visit our website to learn more or register for a brief online demo.

PS: View the “Events CLLA 2010” from the Chicago Conference held April 29th through May 2nd.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Prospect Referral Report

The “prospect referral report” is a fabulous tool for tracking all the companies and business associates that refer business to you. In order for this report to work; you need to enter the name of the referral into the “referred by” field while adding the prospect.

The name of the referral is added in the proper field and when the report is generated, a list will display “all” the names of the referred companies and business associates. Also displayed is the number of prospects for each referral. (Because the names of the referrals are typed into the fields by staff manually, spelling may differ for the same referral) Each name spelled differently will be displayed even though they may be the same company or associate with a slightly different spelling. The number next to the referral is displayed in red which means one has the ability to click the number and generate another report which will display the prospects contact information and status.

This is a fantastic report as is all the reports in the CasetrackerLaw system. For a complete over-view of the many reports, give us a call or visit our website. / 800-270-1197

Friday, May 14, 2010

Change Is Good

Change is difficult but necessary. When change happens people sometimes act like the world has come to an end. Changing things up makes life less boring; will keep it moving forward and keeps staff on their toes. Check out the book, “Who Moved My Cheese” by Spencer Johnson, published in 1998.

CasetrackerLaw is a web-based collection tool that is changing the way collections are done and different from the competition. The majority of collection software on the market today is specific and not very customizable. Changing the software you are using now could be a good start to change in your office.

CasetrackerLaw has changed a few things….if you have visited our website lately; you will notice a huge difference in our appearance. We’ve changed our look and added a few things. We are still the same web based collection software company, just with a new look. If you haven’t visited, please do so and tell us what you think. / 800-270-1197

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Promised Payment Receivables Report

The CasetrackerLaw collection software system is a reminder driven system and has a “reports” section that is full of individual reports for all the different aspects of running a successful business. Money is promised all the time in business when products are bought and sold. This report will show the projected income based on your promised payments for each month.

The “promised payments receivables” report will show the month and year, the number of payments for that month, the total amount promised, the minimum and maximum amount promised and finally the average amount promised. As collectors set up payment plans and promised payments, these promised payments will be added to this report each time it is generated so the report may show different income amounts.

Please contact our office if you have any questions about this report and visit our newly designed website to see what we’ve been up to lately. / 800-270-1197

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Promised Report

Money is a hot topic and collecting your money from your customers can sometimes turn into a full time job. Knowing when money will be received is helpful when making financial decisions.

The CasetrackerLaw “Promised Report” will display the claims in the system that has had a “promised pmt” added to the reminders list by the collector. When the claim is opened, there are blue tabs above the claim information box, the collector will select the “promised pmt” tab and set up a payment schedule. This schedule can be set up for just one single payment or it can be set up to schedule a regular or irregular payment plan. A reminder will be added automatically to the collectors reminder list. When this report is selected, you are asked to choose a collector and a time frame and then “generate reports”. The report will display the claims with the criteria displayed for the fields selected when setting up the report. At the bottom of the generated report you will see that a new reminder can be added for the collector or a new collector can be given this reminder.

If you are interested in this report or any of the reports or functions within the CasetrackerLaw software, please contact our office any time for a brief demonstration or schedule one. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Delete Claims - Bulk Deletion

Anyone who knows CasetrackerLaw will tell you that the staff does its utmost to make their clients happy. Recently we were asked by a client how they could delete, not archive their claims. In the past, this task was always done by our engineers; however…our engineers have added a feature that allows client administrators the ability to delete claims, in bulk.

Go to “Settings” found in the top right hand side of any page. Select “Delete Claims – Bulk Deletion” and a table will appear. Select a time-frame, a direct creditor/forwarder and a state. Click “Generate Reports” and the next table will show all the claims with the criteria selected. One has the option to delete claims individually by checking the little boxes to the left and click the “delete” button at the bottom of the page. Or, if one wanted to delete all the claims displayed, simply click “check all” located at the bottom of the page and then “Delete”, all the claims will be deleted and gone forever.

FYI: This new feature is found in the “settings” as a precaution. The only person with the authorization to delete a claim is the administrator.

If you would like more information on this new feature, give us a call and visit our newly designed website and let us know what you think. / 800-270-1197

Monday, May 10, 2010

No Status Report

Clients require monthly notices or updates of how their claims are doing. Not only does the client need to know this information, but it’s also very helpful for the administrator of the company as well. This report will display all the claims in the system for a selected time frame that have not had a status changed or the client updated with in the selected time period. This report is more accurate than the “claims overdue report” to monitor the claims that fell through the cracks, because this report relies on the status change where as the “overdue report” relies on any activity such as: adding notes or a reminder.

Select “No Status Report” in the “Reports” section. In the next window you will select a time frame and a direct creditor/forwarder and “Generate Reports”. Next to the “no status report” tab you will see the word “settings”. Here you have the ability to decide what information you want displayed in your report by choosing the fields from the left and adding it to the right side and removing items from the right side and adding it to the left. Once the report is generated, one can scroll to the bottom where you will see that a demand letter can be generated to be added to the “letter queue” to be mailed later. Also, a note can be added for the collector, a new status can be added for the client with a status comment if needed.

The administrator has the option to generate a summary of a selected claim or claims or there is the option to download selected claims to a CSV spreadsheet.

Contact us for more information on this report or any of the reports in our system. / 800-270-1197

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

CasetrackerLaw and its sister company, Money Management LLC would like to wish all mother’s a very warm and happy Mother’s Day.

Mother’s day is the one day a year that is set aside to celebrate and honor mothers so don’t forget to visit your mother and if you can’t visit, call her. Send her a card with some flowers and candy. Remember all the little, wonderful things that make your mother special.

Want to learn more about the history of Mother’s Day? Click here to read what Wikipedia has to say. Click here to get some great ideas to celebrate with your mother or to get some great gift ideas.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Money Adjustments

There are times, for what-ever reason; an adjustment must be made to an account involving the money. Either the amount needs to be changed or interest is either removed or added in. How can these changes be made so that the over-all trust account balances out correctly?

In order to change or adjust the amount placed, find the claim in question, open it by clicking on the icon with the little pad and pencil, select the blue tab “Adj Amt Placed”. Replace the old amount with the new amount and click “change”. The Amount Placed will change and the interest and fees, if any, will adjust automatically.

Another issue that comes up is removing or adding interest to the claim. In order to remove the interest, open the claim in question, select the blue tab “Payments”, scroll to the bottom of this page and you will see “Remove Interest”. Click and the interest is removed from the claim. Oops, the interest was removed from the wrong claim. How does it get added back in? Select the blue tab “Claim Info”, here you will see; in the middle of the page, “Interest Information”. When the interest was removed from the balance, it was also removed from the claim itself. Add the interest rate back into the field, add the interest start date and update. The interest will be added back into the balance.

If for some reason you find the balance is wrong, one of the first things you want to try is going to the “Adj Amt Placed” tab and simply click on the “change” button without changing the amount . This will recalculate the whole claim and automatically correct any calculations that were wrong.

I hope these two little tips come in handy when working with CasetrackerLaw. If you have any questions regarding today’s blog, give us a call. / 800-270-1197

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No Reminder Report

There is nothing worse than having a client call the office requesting an update on a claim and the claim in question hasn’t been worked in over 30 days or more. What do you tell your client? Everyone’s heard the old phrase; “fell between the cracks” which means “misplaced” or worse, lost. How can this problem be resolved?

CasetrackerLaw’s “no reminder report” will display a list of all the claims in the system that have not had a reminder added. Because people are fallible and make mistakes when they are busy, CasetrackerLaw has taken the worry out of claims “falling through the cracks”. Once the report is generated, the claim ID is displayed in red and the rest of the information will depend on what is selected when setting up the report. By clicking “settings” next to the “no reminder report”, one has the ability to choose what each column will display. At the bottom of the page, you will see that a new reminder date, reminder note and who the reminder is for can be added. Also, the status can be changed and a comment for the client can be added.

We hope you enjoy reading our daily blogs and find them informative. If you have any comments or requests for future blogs, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Collection Rate Report

Money reports are vital to any thriving business however when you’re collecting delinquent debt, the no collection rate report is probably one of the most important. This report will list the claims in the system that does not have a collection rate added. The collection rate can vary from client to client so it’s important that this rate is added when the client’s contact information is added to the system as a creditor. Every claim submitted by that creditor will automatically have the collection rate included.

In the reports section click on the “no collection rate report” and the generated report will display the creditor name, the debtor name, the claim ID number, the amount placed and the status of the claim. One also has the ability to change the information in each column by clicking on the word “settings” next to the “no collection rate report”. Here there are 20 different fields to choose from so the information displayed can be changed anytime by the administrator.

Once the report is generated, one can then use it to add the collection rate to the clients contact information page so that subsequent claims will automatically have the collection rate added.
For more information on this report contact our office or visit our website. / 800-270-1197

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Claims Report

Collection agencies and collection law firms receive new claims on a daily basis, sometimes in large quantities at one time. When this occurs, how does the administrator assign all of these new claims to collectors? Normally each new claim would have to be opened one at a time and assigned.

CasetrackerLaw’s “new claim report” will show pretty much whatever information one wants to display in each column across the top and there are 20 different fields to choose from in the “settings” link next to the “new claim report” tab. At the bottom of the report, there are 4 separate quadrants that work independently from each other. One can add a reminder, a reminder note; select a priority, a reminder type and who the reminder is for. Or one can select and generate a letter which is automatically added to the letter queue to be printed and mailed later. One can also change the status, add a status comment for the client/creditor and update them. And finally one has the option to generate a summary in PDF format or one can download the claims information to a CSV format.

What makes this report so important is that once this report is generated, not only can one do all the things I mentioned above, but the administrator can also select the claims he wants to assign to a particular collector with the status, reminder and notes already added. The collector simply starts calling when it shows up in their “reminders” list/queue.

If you are interested in any of the CasetrackerLaw reports or functionalities, don’t hesitate to give us a call or visit our web site to learn more. / 800-270-1197

Friday, April 30, 2010

Money Report 2

Continuing from yesterdays post, I was discussing the “money report”. Money Report 2 is almost the same report with a few differences. The option to select the collector was not included and a few fields in the “settings” section are different. The generated report will always show the interest and the court cost returned in addition to the fields already selected.

These two reports are used in order to track the money being received and who is collecting it. The performance of the collectors is of major importance and can be monitored closely by administration.

CasetrackerLaw has a full report section that has a report for everyone. Visit our website for more information or call to schedule a brief online demo. / 800-270-1197

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Money Report

Accounting for money in any company is the number one concern. How much money is going out and more importantly, how much money is being received.

CasetrackerLaw “money report” will show you exactly what you need to know. This report has a “settings” option; one has the ability to choose what they want to see in each column of the generated money report. By selecting a time-frame, a direct creditor/forwarder, the output format (HTML or XLS), the collector and the type of claim, a money report is generated. The bottom of this report displays the total collected, total fees earned and total due client based on the criteria specified.

Also, one has the ability to arrange the columns in ascending or descending order or access a claim by clicking on the claim ID number. This report can then be generated in CSV format that can then be saved to your computer.

Call us for a short online demonstration of our money report or any of the reports in our system. / 800-270-1197 / 954-755-1763

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CLLA 80th Annual Chicago Spring Meeting 2010

Once in a while it’s nice to get away from the office and take advantage of the time by killing 2 birds with one stone. Mr. Steed, the CEO of is traveling today…his destination is Chicago, IL to attend the CLLA’s Annual Spring Meeting and Conference for 2010.

Many of our clients will be in attendance and it will be a good time to meet them in person. It’s a great opportunity to visit with friends, clients and to meet new people in the industry. There are fun activities scheduled, informative meetings to attend and a lot of socializing to do.

CasetrackerLaw will not have a booth this year however, Mr. Steed will be there. He will be walking around, visiting with everyone and taking pictures of the event and attending a majority of meetings that will be held through out the weekend. We may post a few to our website for anyone to view so visit our website next week to see who he captured on film. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Leads Log

CasetrackerLaw is not just a web based collection management system that creates a streamlined workflow for a busy collection agency or law firm. There is also a sales department available that will manage your sales force and keep track of all the leads and prospects that are being worked on.

Leads can be uploaded into the sales tool via an excel spreadsheet with all the contact information attached. Once this is done, the leads are assigned to a “sales executive” which means that lead will be associated with that sales person until it becomes a prospect then hopefully a client. The “leads log” found in the “reports” section will show the administrator the leads that are being worked on by any sales person of his choosing.

For more information about this report or any of the reports discussed so far, visit our website at or call an speak to a representative. 800-270-1197

Monday, April 26, 2010

Last 50 Status Updates

The status of a claim is of major importance. When an update is made in the CasetrackerLaw system, the collector has the option to email the client through the system. If the client should request a summary of updates, the CasetrackerLaw system has the ability to run and generate a report that will have the last 50 status updates for all the creditors/forwarders. This report is also a good management tool that gives administration the option to oversee the status updates chosen.

This simple report is found in the “reports” section and with a couple of clicks, a report is generated that shows the last 50 status updates. That’s not all this report is capable of. At the bottom, there are 4 quadrants that work independently of each other. In the first section, one has the ability to add or change the reminder or collector. The second one has the ability to generate a letter. The third section gives one the ability to add a note and the last section gives one the ability to change the status, add a comment and finally one has the ability to “generate summary” in a PDF format or download claim information in CVS format.

All of the CasetrackerLaw reports are simple to use and easy to find. Call us for more information or visit our website / 800-270-1197

Friday, April 23, 2010

Judgment Report

Let me start off with a question: How many claims do you have that have a Judgment awarded? Is there a fast and easy way of finding out that information? CasetrackerLaw can generate a “judgment report” in less than a minute with all the pertinent information regarding the judgment and its status.

Go to “reports”, select “Judgment Report”; select a timeframe and then a direct creditor/forwarder, then “Generate reports”. A report will come up that shows the claim ID number in red which means if clicked, it will take you inside the claim for a more detailed status. The rest of the information depends on how the columns are set. Next to the “judgment report”, you will see the word “settings”. This option gives one the ability to choose what information is shown in a generated report. Once the report is generated, it can be downloaded to a CSV file.

The lower portion of the report is where action can be taken. Either reminders are set, a letter can be generated to mail or the status and status comment can be changed or added. At the very bottom of the report it will show the total amount placed and the total amount of the judgments.

Visit our website for information on the many features that CasetrackerLaw has to offer or give us a call. We are always happy to answer any questions. If you would like to view our collection software in action, call to schedule a free online demonstration. / 800-270-1197

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Forwarded Claims Report

The “forwarded claims report” is used to track all the claims that have been forwarded to attorneys. This feature also gives one the ability to communicate with the selected attorney and for the attorney to respond back through the CasetrackerLaw system.

When generating the “forwarded claims report”, the user will give a timeframe, select an attorney, the direct creditor/ forwarders and submit query. The generated report will show you all the claims that have been forwarded with the name of the law firm, the debtor name, the forwarded date, the amount placed and the affiliation of the law firm. At the bottom of the report, the user has the option to communicate with the attorney by selecting an instruction from a dropdown menu, an instruction comment will automatically be inserted, a reminder days, a reminder for who and finally, send request. The request is emailed to the attorney who can then either, login and respond back through the CasetrackerLaw system or reply to the email he received.

Don’t forget to visit our website, there’s a lot to see once you’re there. Request an online demo, watch a video featuring CasetrackerLaw client discussing the way they incorporate Casetrackerlaw in their daily business procedures. / 800-270-1197

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Expense Report

The “expense report” is generated to show how much money is being used while working a claim. Sometimes there can be small expenses that are incurred for such things as demand letters and postage. There are companies that want to know this amount so they can be reimbursed by their client.

To generate this report, select “expense report”, add a time frame and select the creditor/forwarder and then generate report. The information shown can be arranged in the order you want to see it in. When you go into the reports, there is the word “settings” next to expense report. Here you can select the column headings and there are over 20 column headings to choose from so the report generated will have the information that is important to you.

For more information on this report, visit our website or give us a call. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Email Distribution Report

Reports are of major function in any business. They can show how things are going or they give information in order to make business decisions. The "email distribution report" is a little report that can be generated in order to see what email is associated with what claims.

Email in the CasetrackerLaw system is the predominant way information is sent to and from the company and the client. There are a couple of places in the CasetrackerLaw system where emails can be attached to a claim. When a creditor is set up, their email is attached to their contact page and claims submitted will be updated to this email address. Sometimes there are people who need to be updated regarding a claim or claims, so their email is added to the "claim emails", found in the blue tabs inside the claim and they will receive an email update.

If the email attached to a claim isn't correct, the wrong person will end up getting the wrong email update. How can this mistake be fixed? By running the "email distribution report", admininstration can see what emails are associated with the many different claims and then either delete the incorrect email or add one. Adding an email to a claim is simple. Go into the claim, select the blue tab "claim emails", add the email, click update and the new email recipient will receive the updates.

As always, visit our website for more information on CasetrackerLaw or call our office for a brief online demo. / 800-270-1197

Monday, April 19, 2010

Direct Payments Report

Running reports on the many different areas of a business is important especially if the report has to do with money. The “direct payments report” in the CasetrackerLaw system is customizable so you can decide what fields you want to see. When you click “reports”, you will notice the word “settings” next to “direct payments report”. This option gives you the power to select the fields you want to see displayed in the columns at the top of your report. One can either go into the claim by clicking the claim # or confirm the payment. If confirm payment is chosen, the claim will be removed from the outstanding payments list and the payment will automatically be confirmed in the “payments” tab.

Being able to generate a report of your choosing and having the ability to customize it as well can be a huge help when specific information is required.

For more information, call our office or visit our website: / 800-270-1197

Friday, April 16, 2010

Deposit Report

In any company, large or small, keeping up with the banking is a major concern. From when a payment is received to when that payment is deposited into the bank.

CasetrackerLaw has a built in “deposit report” that can be run at any time in order to see all the received payments. The information found in this report will tell one the exact date and amount of a payment, the check number, the claim ID, the debtor it was from and the creditor it’s for. From this information, one can decide which payments need to be deposited and by checking the boxes that run along the left side of the report and then the “deposit” button at the bottom of the page, a new report will come up with the listed payments. These selected payments will be removed from the original “deposit report” generated. Another little “help tip” for this report is that once the deposit report is generated, it can be printed and the information can be compared to your bank deposit slip and the total is calculated for you as well.

Contact us for more information on this report or any of the many features found in the CasetrackerLaw system. Visit or call 800-270-1197

Mr. Steed, the general manager of CasetrackerLaw is traveling again. He is on his way to Clayton, NC to visit his grandchildren. While there he will be checking out the 14th Annual Pleasure Island Chowder Cook-Off, Sat. April 17th at Carolina Beach Lake, in Wilmington, NC. On the way back he has planned a stop to visit with Chris Kropac of PCI Group, Inc. in Ft. Mill, SC, an affiliate of CasetrackerLaw.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Collector Work Log Report

The “collector work log report” is the ultimate spy-ware in order to keep an “eye” on the collector’s work for any given time period.

Having the ability to view the work of a collector can be an effective way to see what claims are being worked and how long the collector is staying on the phone with each one or how much time evolves before the next call is made.

This report is simple to use and can be generated at any time. The generated report will show a table with the date and time listed first and then the type (worked or opened) which means the claim had changes made and updates were made or the claim was just opened and viewed by the collector. Next, the claim ID is listed, the Forwarder (if there is one), the Creditor, the name of the debtor and finally a note, which tells what was done with the claim at that time, either a status update was made to the client or a reminder was added or changed for the collector. Each claim can also be opened by clicking the claim ID and the administrator can then see detailed information regarding that particular claim.

“This report is one of the top reports in the CasetrackerLaw system” states Thomas Steed, the CEO of CasetrackerLaw. “We know of many firms that have terminated employees because of this report.”

With CasetrackerLaw’s many reports, there is nothing that can’t be carefully monitored in order to shave expenses and cut the bottom line. Call us for more information or to schedule a free personal online demonstration. Visit our website at or Call 800-270-1197.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Collector Commission / Money Report

Question: Do you give your collectors a commission on the money they’ve worked to collect? If your answer is yes, then CasetrackerLaw has an easy answer. The “collector commission / money report” is an easy way to figure the commission’s for all of your collectors.

This report gives one the ability to select a time-frame, select a collector, the commission percentage, credit card charges and the break even amount. A list of claims worked by the selected collector will come up that will show all the pertinent information regarding the payments and the last few columns will tell you how much commission is made on each claim. At the bottom of this report you will see, at a glance, how the collector commission is calculated. You will see the total money received, total fees & the true total received minus the fees. Then you will see the totals for any credit card payments received a break-even amount and finally the amount of the commission for the collector.

For more information on this report or any of the reports in the CasetrackerLaw system, visit our website or give us a call, we are here to answer your questions. / 800-270-1197

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Client Performance Report

CasetrackerLaw has over 40 reports that one can generate. Today’s report is very useful to both the clients and the agency.

This report is one of the most important in the system. It will tell how well you are performing for a particular client or clients. This report will give you an advantage when making business decisions regarding these clients. From the administration view, they can decide if the client is worth keeping and from the clients view, they can decide if the agency is working hard enough on their claims and if they want to take them back and place elsewhere.

When selecting the “view all clients”, a table will appear that lists all clients, forwarders and direct creditors, the number of claims submitted, total amount placed, total collected, number of payments and the percentage collected for each client.

When selecting the “view clients with no payments” the table lists the clients that have claims but no payments made.

When selecting the more advanced report more information on the clients & claims will be shown. With this report, one has the ability to select a time-frame and then the client or clients. When this report is generated, it will include the total # of claims placed, amount placed, the average - the minimum and the maximum placed, amount collected, number of payments and the percentage collected from the total. The lower portion of the report shows the time-frame in which the money was collected and below this section, you will see the status associated with these claims and the percentage of claims with that particular status.

For more information on this report or any of the reports in the CasetrackerLaw system, visit our website at or give us a call. 800-270-1197 We are here to answer your questions.

Monday, April 12, 2010

In Loving Memory of Roberta Mazur

CasetrackerLaw will not be posting a regular blog today as we are recognizing the death of a family member. The Florida staff will be working limited hours today.

In loving memory of Roberta Mazur (1933 - 2010)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Claims Overview Report

In the CasetrackerLaw system, there is a report called the Claims Overview Report. When this report is run, a graph will come up with the names of all the collectors across the bottom and the number of claims worked for the day running up the left side. So throughout the day, the administrator has the ability to run this report to monitor the claims worked.

There are several reports in the CasetrackerLaw system. The Collector Work Log Report will give more detailed information about all the claims worked by a particular collector. I will discuss the report in more detail later.

If you are interested in viewing any of our reports or talking to someone to schedule a demonstration, visit our website at and register to schedule a demo or call our office, 800-270-1197.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Claims Offset Report

The “Claims Offset Report” in the CasetrackerLaw system is used by the administrator to determine if a commission payment is required or if the agency needs to send a remit payment to the client.

This report will ask you for a time-frame and to select a direct client/forwarder. Once you’ve made your selection and click generate report, the report will show you the information you need in order to either send an invoice or to remit a payment. One also has the ability to pre-set the column categories so only the information selected will appear in the generated report. Now that an offset report has been generated, with one last click of the mouse, an offset statement is generated which can then be mailed to the client.

Being able to select the fields you want to see in a report is important to a lot of business owners and CasetrackerLaw wants their clients to have their reports, their way.

(FYI: the report # is subject to change as more reports are created and added)

As of today, we have just released our latest newsletter regarding attending the CLLA Conference in Chicago, IL April 29th through May 2nd. Visit our website and view Mr. Steed and Jezebel discussing the meeting.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Claims Invoice Report

In companies there are times when administration will want or need to know how much money has been received and how much is pending. This information is important when it comes to making financial decisions within the company. The Claims Invoice Report in the CasetrackerLaw system will tell you exactly what is still pending and what has been paid.

To generate a report that will produce the information needed, a time frame is entered, a direct creditor/forwarder is selected and the status you are looking for: all, pending or paid. There is also the option to set the column categories with the information you would like to see. Once the report is generated, a list of claims will appear and you now have the option to go into the claim in order to view the claim details.

For more information on this report or any of the reports in the CasetrackerLaw system, give us a call or visit our website at and register to schedule an online demo. (800.270.1197)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Claims Report

We hope everyone had a safe and healthy holiday weekend.

We are discussing another fantastic report designed and created by the engineering team at CasetrackerLaw. Some of the individual features in this report were from the imaginations of CasetrackerLaw clients.

The claims report is a handy report when one wants to review what is going on with their claims. There are many options with this report. One can select a time frame, one particular client or all the clients, a particular state or all the states, a greater-than amount and the type of output format you want. (HTML, XLS, PDF & Flashpaper) There is also the option to decide what information you want to see in your report. Next to the claims report tab, you will see (settings), here you can decide what each column category will be and in what order you want them listed across the page.

Once all of the fields are selected and you click generate reports, a report will appear that is in the format you selected. If you selected the basic HTML format, you would then have more options to do other things with the generated report. One can decide if there should be a reminder added or changed, if the priority should be changed, if the creditor should be updated with a new status or status comment and there is the option to generate letters in bulk. These letters are in the Letter Wizard, which you more than likely created yourself. And last but not least, you also have the option to generate a summary in either CSV or PDF. (All of the quadrants at the bottom of this report works independently of each other)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Claim Age Report

The “Claim Age Report” is generally used by the administrator to determine how old or how long a claim has been in the system and at a glance, where it is in regards to how much money has been collected, if it’s being disputed or if it’s in litigation.

There are options to set before you run the report. For example: I want to run a report that will show me all the claims in the system that are $20,000.00 or more with a claim age (how many days it’s been in your system) of 30 days or more. (There is also the option to select only one direct creditor or forwarder) When I generate my report, I will be able to see all the claims with my pre-selected settings and all the information on those claims. At this point I can decide if I need to send a letter, change the status and status comment or I can choose to go into the claim and change or add a reminder for the collector.

For a brief online demonstration of any of the 47 reports that are all located in one convenient place in the CasetrackerLaw system, call 800-270-1197 or visit us online at and register a request for a demo. A representative will contact you with-in 24 hours.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Bonding Report

CasetrackerLaw’s policy is that every claim that is forwarded to an attorney be Bonded by one of the law lists. When you forward a claim out to a forwarding attorney, a notice is sent to a law list for bonding. This notice is sent in order to bond your claim in the event the attorney runs off with the money.

The Bonding report will give you a list of claims sent for a selected time frame. When selecting the time period and generating the report, you now have options to select a group and setting a reminder for yourself or someone else to follow up on certain claims. This feature will send an automatic request or an update via email to the attorney who the claim was sent to. This feature is great because you don’t have to open every claim to send the attorney a request.

One policy you should implement in your firm is to get bonding confirmation on every claim that has been forwarded to an attorney from the bonding law list.

NOTE: We have seen changes recently with bonding requirements. We suggest you review your directories to get the latest updates concerning these requirements.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Account Receivables Report

Every business owner, administrator or manager of a business requires the ability to know how much money is being used to operate the business and more importantly, how much money is being received.

With just a quick glance, CasetrackerLaw’s “Account Receivables” report tells a lot about all the open claims in the system. The report will give you the name of the creditor, debtor, date claim was placed, amount placed, amount collected, interest accrued and the balance owed for each claim. At the bottom of the claim list you will see the totals for all the claims in the list and the percentage of what was collected.

CasetrackerLaw will be attending the Commercial Law League of America & Its Midwestern Region Member Association’s 80th Chicago/Spring Meeting & 116th National Convention being held in Chicago, IL, April 29th – May 2, 2010 at the Westin Michigan Avenue Hotel. If you have any questions please contact Marisa Pochter at 312-781-2000 (

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Account Executive Money Report

The “Account Executive Money Report” found under “reports” is a handy way of calculating what the “account executives” commission will be for a selected timeframe. To run a report, select the timeframe, the account executive, the commission percentage rate and “the break even amount” and click, generate report. (The “break even amount” is pre-determined by management before the report is run) The generated report will show you a list of all the claims/clients, the total received, the total needed to remit, the total fees and the total commission.

You must enter the liaison/account executive name on the profile of the creditor in the “manage creditors” section in order to produce an accurate report. You need not enter the break even amount in order to run a report since this is pre-determined by management. This report will generate many scenarios since all business owners operate differently, so try this report and if you have any question, please call our office.

The offices of Money Management LLC & CasetrackerLaw will be closing at Noon on Friday, April 2 in recognition of Passover, Good Friday the Easter holiday weekend.

The staff would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Advanced Status Report - UPGRADE

The "Advanced Status Report" is found under "reports" in the CasetrackerLaw system. We have made a few changes that we think will make running and generating a report on the claims in your system more efficient. This feature will soon be added to the collector’s side as well which means your collectors will have the ability to run reports on the claims they have been working.

What kind of information will you get when you run an advanced Status Report? It all depends on what it is you are looking to find out about the claim and what kind of criteria you populate the fields with. There are many different combinations of criteria you can put into the system in order to run and generate a full report. First you would select a timeframe, then a status type, then the creditor/client and then the collector. Finally it will give you the option to view the comments, payment history and payment schedule. Click submit and a report will appear on your page with all the information you selected which can then be generated and printed out or you have the ability to download it into a CSV format.

Once you've generated your report, you then have a multitude of options to do something else with the report or the list of claims in the report. These options are also found at the bottom of the report page. You can select the whole list or just particular claims and add claim notes, change the reminder date or even select, generate and send a demand letter.

If you would like more information on this feature, give us a call or visit our website.
954-755-1763 / 800-270-1197 /

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wasted Time

It’s Friday and everyone has been working hard all week. Today’s post is not about any one feature that CasetrackerLaw has to offer, but rather, the whole reason to even consider our collection software for your company or firm.

If you have been reading our blog, you will know that CasetrackerLaw is all about shaving the bottom line in business and saving time and money. Everything we do in our offices is done with time in mind. How long will it take to get from point A to point B?

CasetrackerLaw accepts ideas and suggestions all the time from its clients and users. If the idea is something that will improve the time it takes to do something within the system, we’ll add it as an upgrade or new feature. The community of CasetrackerLaw clients and users will automatically receive this new upgrade or feature their system.

Give CasetrackerLaw a call or drop us a line or two about the great idea or suggestion you have and we may use it in the next community upgrade. Visit our website to see a list of the features already included in every system we offer.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

South Beach, FL

The chief is always looking for a reason to escape the office, especially when a client comes into town. What better place to come to than South Beach Florida. South Beach is considered one of the top 10 beaches in the world. CasetrackerLaw has clients all over the world and when they want to visit our beautiful state, we will make sure they enjoy the experience.

Just recently we had a client visit so the chief left the office early to meet the client in South Beach. It was a beautiful morning and turned into a beautiful South Florida day. They spent the day doing a little sight-seeing and lunch at one of the well known eateries, Joe’s Stone Crabs located on Miami Beach on Washington Ave, where you could very possibly run into a celebrity. (FYI: Stone crab season runs from October to May) After lunch they did a little more sight-seeing and ended the day with a little business. Who wants to come to South Beach on business and actually work the whole time they’re here?

CasetrackerLaw would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone who wishes to visit our great state and we will make sure you are informed of all the “hot spots” to hit while here. From a great meal at a famous restaurant to all the well known tourist attractions located close by. You will never forget you business trip to South Beach, FL.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Backup - Download - Upload

CasetrackerLaw has many little features hidden throughout the system. These features are not really hidden, just placed in specific locations with-in the system. The hidden feature I’m discussing today is the “Backup” feature and you will find it in the “settings” department. (Top, right-hand side of any page you go to) The “Backup” feature allows users to download their client list, forwarders list, status history and more.

We have given almost every report and table the ability to download to an Excel spread sheet. In order to check to see if the report you want is downloadable, you must generate the report first. If you don’t see a link at the top of the report, then you’ll know it’s not possible to download that report or list at this time. Check out the “Settings” Department for the Backup feature and experiment to see how your download will work.

For example: I want an Excel spreadsheet of all my “prospects”. I can go to the “Backup” feature, select and click the “prospects” download. A dialog box will appear and ask you to name the file and then either open or save the file. Once you’ve saved your excel spreadsheet, you can do many things with it. You can upload the list into the sales tool as “leads”, email the list to a client so they can upload the prospect leads into their own system. Be creative…

Visit and see what other little hidden features there are to uncover.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Prospect To Client

Sale’s is a major part of many businesses. If you operate the kind of business that survives on selling, then you would need a sales tool that manages every aspect of the sales operations. From cold calling and collecting information on a prospect, which is a time consuming process, to making the sale and making that prospect a client. How do you convert a prospect to a client without having to transfer all the information gathered manually into another database, another time consuming process?

With CasetrackerLaw’s sales and management department or module, there is no need for double work. With a click of the mouse, the prospect is automatically added into the administration side of the system as a client and the pertinent information on the potential client is transferred as well. The only thing left to do is to give them access with a username and password so they can submit their claims electronically. The claim will be received and work will begin immediately. The client has the option to receive electronic updates via the Casetrackerlaw system when changes occur.

The CasetrackerLaw sales and management tool can be purchased as an independent module. Call us for details or visit our website for more information.

PS: March Is Free Profile Month – Contact us if: you need a background check done, need to find someone, locate assets or a social security number, bank liens or judgments etc…

Monday, March 22, 2010

Customizable - Have It Your Way

CasetrackerLAW is totally customizable and can be tailored to suit the way you manage your business. We at CastrackerLAW realize that every firm uses its own collection strategies, reports, demand letters, collector commissions and invoices.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could design the software you use on a daily basis? To be able to design and create your own documents, letters and forms and they’ll look the way you want them to look? To be able to generate a multitude of reports, invoices or statements and then email or fax them directly to the client or debtor right from the system you had a hand in customizing? (faxing from the system requires an online fax service such as or

There are a thousand receivables and management software’s on the market today. How do you decide which one is the one that will fit the way you do business? With CasetrackerLaw, it’s not an issue because you can ultimately decide what your software will do and how it will do it.

Don’t make a final decision until you’ve taken a test drive and when you’re done, we’ll give you the keys for a week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Print To PDF

Credit managers, agencies and attorneys utilize CasetrackerLaw as a major tool in their everyday work processes. One of the most important procedures in these business processes is receiving and sending reports regarding the case. These reports would be sent via email and the pertinent information in these reports were copied and pasted into the note section of the system. A time consuming procedure.

An alternative to this method: CasetrackerLaw’s alternative method will save your staff time which in turn will save you money. When a report is received via email, you can “save to print” as an Adobe PDF document either to your desktop or my documents and then upload it to the “attachments” section in the CasetrackerLaw system. With a couple of clicks of the mouse, you have received, saved to PDF and attached the report to the case.

If you use or to receive reports, make certain the settings are set to receive via PDF, if using Accurint to run a profile, again make certain your settings are set to receive in a PDF format.

Hint: In addition, once a document is attached, these reports can be faxed or emailed from the attachments section right to the recipient – providing you have an account with And when a debtor requests an invoice while talking to them on the phone, with a couple of clicks, the requested document is faxed or emailed right from the “attachments” page.

Call us for more information on how CasetrackerLaw can save you time and money.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The 1000 Year Rule

One of my favorite comments to the people I speak to is “Your data will be here for the next 1000 years. In other words, your data is always kept, not deleted or archived and is retrievable years from now. Our goal is to retrieve information within minutes or even seconds of being requested.

Scenario: Claims were forwarded to a law firm in Chicago, IL for suit. The attorney provided updates via the CasetrackerLaw system starting in late 2006 and2007. The attorney claims suit was filed, money was sent to the attorney and the updates started to flow, but slowly from the attorney. We will call this attorney Mr. W.

All of a sudden the attorney would not return our calls, emails or faxes. After months of no contact, the investigation started. I spoke with my partner, Atty. P and of course, he has no knowledge of where Atty. W has escaped to with our money.

Long story short, a complaint was filed with ARDC (Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois) and after weeks of communications, they agreed to prosecute the attorney, but needed evidence.

Apply the 1000 year rule: the ARDC wanted to see the email or updates by the attorney which our system stores. Within minutes, the full history of the attorneys false updates were printed and off to the court they went.

This is a case where the system protected us and provided evidence to prosecute by having the data at our finger tips.

NOTE: When you forward a claim from our system it is bonded via the General Bar, Columbia List, ALQ, Forwarders List and National List etc... provided the attorney is a list member for bonding and provides you a report. (We will discuss this feature at a later date)

CasetrackerLaw is always concerned that our system keeps an accurate and up-to-date fingerprint of all the communications occurring with each case. We are a green company so all data and documentation is digitally stored within the system and easily retrievable at a moments notice.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Uploading Sales Leads

Casetrackerlaw has a sales tool. This is not a new feature how-ever it is becoming more and more in demand. Do you have a sales team? Do they make their daily calls from a spreadsheet and add collected information into the tiny little cells? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just upload your leads into a system that your sales team can then work from? A system that allows your sales people to make their calls, gather and store information, send sales material via fax or email and set follow up reminders to call them back on particular days, all done from one place. You can with CasetrackerLaw.

Just recently we had a client that wanted to start using his sales tool and wanted to upload leads from a spreadsheet. No problem, CasetrakerLaw’s sales tool can do that. However, this client tried to upload his leads from a spreadsheet that had dropdown menu’s at the top of each of the columns. In order for his upload to work, he had to “clean” his spreadsheet and get rid of the dropdowns and he had to make sure that the spreadsheet was saved as a CSV (comma delimited) file. Watch the video tutorial to learn how to use this feature.

Once the leads are uploaded into the system with all the pertinent information in the correct fields, they can then be assigned to the sales team. Administration assigns the leads to the salesperson of his or her choice and they can be re-assigned at any time as well.

FYI: CasetrackerLaw has been working on new ways of letting people view our software features. We have the ability to send video lessons via email or view them by going to a private website for lessons only, gallery, and youtube. And if you aren’t allowed access to Youtube, you can view them with Quicktime movie. We reccomment you view them in 720p.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

House Calls

As I mentioned Friday, CasetrackerLaw will travel to a client’s location in order to work closely with that client. Because CasetrackerLaw is web based and customizable, there may be work that needs to be done under the close supervision of the client. We do this to make sure that the client is 100% satisfied with their system, not to mention our reputation for happy customers can then be spread by word of mouth to others in the industry. And we show up when we say we will.

While our engineer is traveling, we also have the ability to keep in touch via CasetrackerLaw, using the internal “message board” that is included with every system. If for any reason a cell phone isn’t working, an email or a message sent thru the system will reach the administration department and the message is conveyed to the proper recipient. We can also get a personal weather report from where ever our engineer happens to be. This week CasetrackerLaw is just outside of Boston, MA. The weather report this morning there is clear, sunny and crisp. Too bad our engineer will be inside an office all day.

Today’s Tip: Are you a great speller? Who is? If you install the Google toolbar, there is a “spell check” that will check the page you are on for any misspelled words and they will be highlighted for you to see.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Giving Privileges To Forwarders

A forwarder can play 3 rolls: 1) as an agency who represents multiple creditors which is typically the case: 2) as a creditor with multiple locations or 3) as a creditor with multiple collectors. One other role a forwarder plays was just recently noted: 4) as a company that sets up their sales people as their first line of collections.

With this in mind, administration has the ability to set the access levels for the forwarder, based upon the forwarders needs. Every firm or company has their own operating procedures and with this feature, being able to decide what level of access to give users is a good way to monitor what is going on in the business.

Click the link and watch the video to see how this works.

Helpful Search Tip: Did you know that it’s possible to search any page for any word by selecting the control key, hold down then press the F key and a search feature will open up in the tool bars area. Type any word and all letters for that word will be highlighted on the page.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Traveling Engineer

Casetrackerlaw is traveling.

Have you ever needed to have a service person visit your office in order to have something serviced? I’m sure the answer is yes. And how long do you wait for the serviceman to show up?

We’ve had clients call our office and request that an engineer travel to their office, no matter where in the United States he is located, in order to have custom work done under their supervision. Our engineers will immediately make plans to visit the client’s office for a pre determined amount of time and customize their CasetrackerLaw system. And even though he may physically not be in our office, he is still able to maintain and service our other clients from the road. This is possible because of the fact, CasetrackerLaw is completely web based and automated, therefore can be accessed from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.

Visit to see what else CasetrackerLaw is capable of doing. While you’re there, register for a brief online demonstration.

Would you like to have some custom work done? Call us for a discussion.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Demo's By CasetrackerLaw

Did you know, 4 out of every 10 people that we give tours to, will become a client, be it a law firm, agency, creditor or corporation.

That's a pretty strong statement but in our experience it's also true. (we have been conducting online or virtual demonstrations of CasetrackerLaw for the past 6 years)

Our sales team will call law firms or agencies and schedule or book online demonstrations. A demonstration is done using Go To and will take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on who's taking the tour. During the tour, the tour guide will quickly go through all the departments and tabs, explaining what each function and feature will do. Questions are asked and answered and the tourist can be given the "keys" at the end. He will have temporary access to the demo system so that he can go back into the system at a later time and show others that are in the equation of decision making.

This same principal will work if you already have CasetrackerLaw and are trying to build your business. You too can give virtual tours to prospective clients or creditors.

For us, online demonstrations using Go To have been an invaluable sales tool when it comes to showing potential clients how they can monitor and manage staff and claims.

Call us today to schedule your personal online demo of the greatest collection technology on the market today or visit our website at and register right there, a CasetrackerLaw representative will contact you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Create, Store & Generate Your Own Word Documents

All business requires various kinds of documents to perform effectively. Some examples of these documents may include form letters, demand letters, pending approvals, settlements, invoices, etc…

How many times have you wanted to generate a letter or document only to find that the one you want is not available or isn’t worded or laid out correctly for your use? Creating a letter or document that you have the ability to store and use over and over again would eliminate this problem. And being able to access and edit the document would be even greater.

CasetrackerLaw has done it again. The engineers have developed a feature that allows its users to create, store or edit and then generate letters and business documents.
You can place the letter or document in a queue to be selected, printed and mailed at a later time. This optional feature is called CasetrackerLaw Word and does not come with the system. It’s is an individual module that can be purchased at a nominal fee.
(Call for details: 800-270-1197)

Visit our website to see more great features CasetrackerLaw has to offer it’s clients.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Feature Update - Gross Amount

During the last several years we have found firms distribute money a hundred different ways.

Casetrackerlaw has evolved into a system that will allow you to take fees, costs, interest, expenses, add old interest, calculate interest and do just about anything one’s imagination can conceive.

The latest feature we added this week was “gross amount”. I will explain briefly how this works.
The debtor pays you and you either send the check directly to the creditor or deposit into your trust account (without taking out your fees). In many cases the creditor may ACH the money directly from the account. Or you submit the gross amount along with an invoice for your fees, costs, etc. Now you wait for your money to arrive and hope you don’t have to collect from your client.

This method is not one of the favorites of most clients we know, but for certain circumstances you may not have a choice.

In order for this money not to show up on your remittance report and make the proper adjustment throughout the system was a task within itself, but as usual CasetrackerLaw has evolved to adjust for this new feature.

You will find this little feature in the "paid to" drop-down menu in the "payments" tab of money received. If you have any question about this feature and how it works please call our office for details.

Again thanks goes to the law firm of Yates and Schiller in Boca Raton, FL for this latest feature suggestion.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Is Around the Corner

Well it’s still a little nippy in South Florida and we are anxiously anticipating spring.

During this cold period our engineers have been busy developing lots of new ideas to make CasetrackerLaw the best cutting edge software available.
Since we have systems all over the US and networked around the world, we have added a new feature.

Several of our west coast clients have requested our system think in different time zones. As of today you will be able to set your time zone for your system in the “settings” department.

If you have any questions regarding this new feature don’t hesitate to give us a call. There is nothing the chief dislikes more than not to be able to reach a live person. At CasetrackerLaw, there is always a cheerful someone in support that can help you, not a maze of menu options or email support which most companies charge you for.

“Pioneers of web-based collection and management software”

Don’t miss the new interview with Attorney Gebeloff featured on the front page of our website.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Invoicing is a very important aspect of every operating business. How many businesses do you know that don’t use invoicing in order to get paid for products or services rendered? Invoicing is also used to track paid and unpaid bills. Invoicing can be a tedious and time-consuming task and again, time is money. Imagine having the ability at your fingertips to create and generate an invoice from the same page that you record a payment on.

CasetrackerLaw is equipped with automatic email and fax. Create an invoice for all your direct payments to your creditors, court costs and also for claims that are handled on an hourly basis. You have the option to email, fax or print the invoice and send it via regular mail. CasetrackerLaw will track past due invoices and send overdue notices to all clients with unpaid invoices. How convenient for you and your clients.

This feature is just another little way that CasetrackerLaw is striving to help you save time and cut costs where ever possible.

Call for a free online demonstration.

*March is Free Profile month at CasetrackerLaw. Let us locate someone for you or do you need to have a back ground check done? Give us a call and we can have your report ready within a few hours.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sales Tool - Sending Company Information

Do you have a sales team sitting on the phones day after day calling sales leads? Once contact is made with the right person, does the salesman send an informational brochure? How does your sales team send information about your company to prospective clients?

CasetrackerLaw’s automated sales tool has built in email and fax features. These two features will make the work day flow smoother for the sales team. While they are making their calls, they have the ability to email or fax sales information to the prospect right from the prospects information page. There is no need to gather the sales documents together, address a cover sheet or get up and walk to the fax machine or open up another window to send an email. A multitude of steps will be illuminated by using these features.

Visit our website or call us for a brief online demonstration of how the sales tool will save your sales team time and you money.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Falling Through The Cracks

CasetrackerLaw provides several features to make certain a file or claim does not “fall through the cracks”. Thanks to the law firm of Yates and Schiller, yet another addition is added to the system. There are over 45 reports available to run and generate and the “overdue report” is the one used to track claims that need attention.

The overdue report allows you to view files that have not been reviewed or worked in a given time frame. The report page will automatically display 0 days up to 2,000 and will let you sort by time period and further by creditor or forwarder.

The new feature added is a filter that allows you to determine if a claim or file has been worked in a certain time period by a status code. Note: You have the ability to edit, add or delete status codes when you create your own and you can add “stepping stones” to your status.
If you have an idea, let us know by either calling or emailing us. We would love to hear from you.
CasetrackerLaw “pioneers of web-based collection software” / 800-270-1197 or 954-755-1763

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Training Videos

Working in an office and possibly using a multitude of different software programs can be overwhelming to new employees. Imagine having to hire staff and train each one. This takes time away from other employee’s work and time is money. During this time of transition wouldn’t it be great if there were robots to train new staff? This isn’t possible yet so the CasetrackerLaw team came up with a solution. Training Videos!

CasetrackerLaw gives every employee the ability to access over 100 training videos. They’re conveniently located at the top right hand side of each system where they can be accessed at any time from any page within the system. CasetrackerLaw is user-friendly however, there are many different departments and each department is made up of many different functions. Some functions are self-explanatory and some are not.

A collector can be working from the collector’s tool or a sales person from the sales tool and there may be a function that they’ve never used before. Instead of interrupting a co-worker for help, they can click the training video they need and quietly watch the instructions on how to use the feature. It’s that simple. And if the video doesn’t help, there is always a CasetrackerLaw representative that is only a phone call away.

At CasetrackerLaw, it’s all about saving time and money and shaving the bottom line.

Visit our website (register to schedule an online demo)
Call 800-270-1197 or 954-755-1763 (schedule an online demo)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Web Based Technology

Why does everyone talk about web based or Internet based technology in today’s economy? Because in the long run, the bottom line is what everyone’s interested in. How can a company or firm save time and money using technology? By hiring people that know what they’re doing and having software in place that can very possibly do the job of 4 workers. A lot of the menial tasks that take up so much time, but tasks that are vital to the operation of your business and still need to be done.

CasetrackerLaw is completely web based and user friendly. By using CasetrackerLaw, a lot of the tasks that need to get done are done automatically with a simple click of the mouse. Are you a large company with multiple offices located in various parts of the United States or Canada and you need to run a report on all of these locations? No problem, CasetrackerLaw gives the user the ability to run and generate a hard copy report that can then be emailed or faxed to the proper recipient, right from the system. Do you need to generate a batch of demand letters? No problem, CasetrackerLaw also gives the collector the ability to select and generate a letter of choice, add it to the “letter queue” and then print them all at the end of the day.

No matter what your needs may be if you can imagine it, the CasetrackerLaw team will do it’s best to make it a reality.

Visit our website and view a video featuring Atty. Julie Yates of Yates & Schiller in Boca Raton, FL discussing how she uses the iPhone and CasetrackerLaw or Mr. Thomas Steed, the CEO and General Manager of Money Management LLC /ISB and discussing the importance of profiling and why it’s used.

PS: We are currently working on our next newsletter and video featuring Atty Steven Gebeloff of Gebeloff Law also located in Boca Raton, FL, he will be discussing using his Blackberry with CasetrackerLaw.

Friday, February 26, 2010


It's cold in S. Florida again and S. Floridians are ready for the warm weather they moved here for. Are you living in a state that is seeing it's 6Th major snow storm of the season? Is it a hassle getting to work? What if you could have your employees work from home? If they do work from a remote location, how do you monitor what they're doing?

CasetrackerLaw web based collection software is the answer to this little problem. CasetrackerLaw allows collectors and administrators to log into the system from home and work remotely. Administrators are able to monitor every movement their employees make by selecting the "reports" tab. They have the option to run a "collector report" at the end of the day to see the progress that was made or a "money report" that will tell them if any money was collected. Another report they can run is the "claims report" which will tell them how many claims were submitted for a selected time frame.

Hint: It's important to keep your cookies clean in order to insure that all your reports are correct and up to date. Cookies can cause problems, if you don't know how to keep them clean, click the link and view the video.