Monday, July 26, 2010

CasetrackerLaw is Blogging Again

There have been many major changes made in the past couple of months here at CasetrackerLaw.

In our last update, CasetrackerLaw was in the process of moving and upgrading our "servers". The move is complete and things are going well. Everyone has been extremely helpful in their patience and understanding. We are excited about the changes made and know that we have made a positive move in the right direction.

Our clients are important to us. They depend on CasetrackeLaw to be there every day without fail. The reliability and security of our software is vital to our clients and our reputation as an up and coming cutting edge collection Software Company.

When our clients login for the first time in the morning and throughout the day, they want to know that they will be able to go to work from where ever they are and that their staff is able to login and begin work immediately. As the chief likes to say, “Time is money, don’t waste a second when you can be dialing a phone or creating some fantastic new feature to make CasetrackerLaw even greater”.

Our new servers are hosted with If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call our office. If you haven’t visited our website lately, take a moment and check it out. / 800-270-1197 / 954-755-1763

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