Thursday, March 11, 2010

Demo's By CasetrackerLaw

Did you know, 4 out of every 10 people that we give tours to, will become a client, be it a law firm, agency, creditor or corporation.

That's a pretty strong statement but in our experience it's also true. (we have been conducting online or virtual demonstrations of CasetrackerLaw for the past 6 years)

Our sales team will call law firms or agencies and schedule or book online demonstrations. A demonstration is done using Go To and will take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on who's taking the tour. During the tour, the tour guide will quickly go through all the departments and tabs, explaining what each function and feature will do. Questions are asked and answered and the tourist can be given the "keys" at the end. He will have temporary access to the demo system so that he can go back into the system at a later time and show others that are in the equation of decision making.

This same principal will work if you already have CasetrackerLaw and are trying to build your business. You too can give virtual tours to prospective clients or creditors.

For us, online demonstrations using Go To have been an invaluable sales tool when it comes to showing potential clients how they can monitor and manage staff and claims.

Call us today to schedule your personal online demo of the greatest collection technology on the market today or visit our website at and register right there, a CasetrackerLaw representative will contact you.

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