Friday, December 18, 2015

Task Management "Tool"

Always know what is going on with your projects.

The management of time is one of the most difficult elements with regards to running a business today.  Technology is great; it saves us time and money.  However, does it?  Maybe it just seems like it.
Over the past 1.5 years, Casetrackerlaw has built and developed a task management "tool" that will make you believe in technology again.  A tool so efficient in the management of projects, tasks and task persons, you will not know how you functioned without it. 
Read what a real user has to say about this software wonder. 
"I work in a hectic software company with many clients that need things all the time, and they wanted them yesterday.  I started using this task management system to keep track of the projects I was giving to my programmers'.  It works great.  I know what's going on with all of my projects and tasks at all times.  I can create as many "task persons" that I need, and then I can enter tasks for a specific task person depending on what I need to have done.   When I enter the task, I have the ability to enter a task name, description, type of task, who authorized the task (if needed), status, priority, deadline date (if needed), an hourly rate, a quote (if needed) and a place for notes.  Everything I need to convey to the task person what I require of them; even attach documents, spreadsheets, and screenshots."
"Each task person has their secure login and can only view and work on tasks assigned to them.  When they finish a project or task, they can then "complete" the task with a date and how long it took them.  If a task has been entered as "billable" with a rate entered, the system will calculate an invoice balance with the ability to email the invoice to the client.  How cool is that?  Also, every task goes into a history so if I need to find it again; I can."

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