Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Status By Date Report - What? Who? Why?

Status by Date Report: What, Who, Why?

Status by Date is a report that gives the administrator the ability to view the claims that have had the status changed for a given time frame. Many things can be done by the administrator from this page alone. The administrator has the options of assigning reminders to a collector, changing the reminder and reminder date, generate a demand letter, add notes, change the status and add a comment.

For example: the administrator wants to find out how many claims have had their status changed to “waiting for response from client” for a specific time frame. This is important because a claim is not moving forward if a collector is waiting for a response. The administrator can add a new reminder note and reminder date and select another staff person to call the client for a response. This will help keep your claims moving forward instead of sitting and waiting. A demand letter can be generated and printed for all claims or just a few selected claims from the letter wizard. (I will talk more about the letter wizard later) The status and status comment can also be changed from this page. There is also the option to generate a summary into a PDF hard copy or you can download claim information into a CSV format.

Being able to accomplish many things from one page saves you time… and time is $$. We will be publishing a video on the Status by Date feature soon, so stay with us.

I’ll be talking about “spelling” and its effects on business in my next blog…

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