Tuesday, May 20, 2008

IT (Information Technology) Our CTO(Cheif Technology Officer)

IT is a vital artery in the web of artery's and capillaries that make up a well functioning and productive office. Whether it's a law firm or a debt recovery firm. (ie: collection agency) They need updated technology and they need it yesterday. But not only do they need this technology, they need well educated and experienced technicians to create this technology and technicians to maintain, upgrade and ultimately customize it to suit the needs of who-ever uses it.

That's where Mr. Sandeep Seshadri-CTO (cheif technology officer) comes into play. Mr. Seshadri is 28 years old...but don't let that fool you, he's a lot smarter than he looks. Mr. Seshadri came from India to study at New Mexico State University. He has been in the United States for 7 years and plans to stay and start a family some day. Mr. Seshadri met Mr. Steed at the college and was hired as his engineer.

Sandeep works right in our office with us every day, which is super convenient when a computer has a problem. (usually user error) He is able to diagnose the problem and fix it with in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds. I know there are times in a busy offices day when the computers 'go down' and it seems like the whole world has come to a stop because a few machines have stopped working for whoever knows why. It makes us all understand how important our IT guys and gals are to us in a busy day.


Anonymous said...

why do you only mention law firms and collection agencies?

Anonymous said...

The software can also be used by companies who want their collectors or sales staffs to work remote. It can used for document storage etc..and movement of claims and documents to anyone.