Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Sales Department

A sales department is the backbone of any company. If there were no sales department, it would be difficult for companies to make any profits. Companies rely on the sales department and the more efficient the sales department, the more likely for higher sales.

Casetrackerlaw has a sales department or module that is so thoroughly efficient that it is virtually impossible to loose a prospect. It is so full of fields for recording information that you collect from the contact person every time you talk to them. Not only that, due to the cost of gas these days, sales personnel can work remotely and administrators are able to monitor their activity. Prospects can be transferred from one person to another within the sales tool by selecting from a list in a drop-down menu. Casetrackerlaw will also keep track of the number of prospects you have and will let you know who you need to call on any particular day and the note section is great. A sales rep is able to take detailed notes and keep them forever in a history section, which makes it convenient for referring back to them at a later date. Another very cool feature is the ability to attach documents to the prospects page by uploading them from your computer desktop or documents and email them to the prospect right from the prospect page. I'll talk about that in more detail at a later date.

Casetrackerlaw is the ultimate in a web-based sales tool... from keeping complete track of all your prospects, new and old, to working remotely from home, the coffee shop or even while you're on a business trip or vacation. Your prospects are only an Internet click away.

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