Thursday, January 21, 2010

Uploading Claims - CSV Interface

Switching gears today...I know I said I was going to talk about creating letters this week however "the boss" decided I should tell you about how you can upload claims, in bulk, right into the Casetrackerlaw system using a CSV interface that is built in.

What does CSV stand for? Comma Separated Value. What does this mean? It's a commonly used EDI format to exchange information from one system to another. Casetrackerlaw allows it's users to upload claims from a spreadsheet that is stored in your computer right into the Casetrackerlaw system.

The first time I used this feature I was impressed with the speed and ease with which I could upload claims. I uploaded my CSV file that I recieved from my client, mapped the columns to the corresponding fields in Casetrackerlaw and that's it. Done. Now I noticed I had 100 claims in my new claims list. I am now able to work my claims, set reminders, change status etc in bulk right from my "new claim list".

If you are a Casetrackerlaw user and you havn't used this feature yet, do so. If you have questions feel free to give us a call. In the meantime, visit our video library and view the video on the Letter Wizard that I was talking about yesterday.

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