Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Need An Attorney?

CasetrackerLaw has added another super feature that clients will love. Do you need the name of an attorney that practices in a particular area of the United States. We came up with a solution to this issue, which really isn't an issue at all. Every CasetrackerLaw system comes equipped with the database to The National List, Forwarders List of Attorneys, Columbia List of Attorneys and The General Bar, four major attorney directories which means you will have access to thousands of attorneys.

A client is able to log into their system, select "Manage Attorneys" and the 4 major directories will be displayed. Select the directory and click, the list of attorney names will then be displayed and you can choose the attorney in the city and state that you need. Also displayed are the phone number and zip code. If you know the name of an attorney and they are a member of an organization, you can type the name in the search feature located at the top of the page and the system will display that attorney's contact information. Once an attorney is selected, you are asked to "add to manage attorneys", and then you are asked to give the selected attorney a username and password which will give them access to the claims you submit to them.

When an attorney is selected and a claim is submitted to them, the claim is bonded automatically through the directory the attorney is affiliated with. It's that simple.

If you have any questions, give us a call, the CasetrackerLaw staff are ready to answer your questions.
Visit our website, view a couple of video discussions regarding CasetrackerLaw or register to take a brief guided tour.\

PS: Our next interview discussion will be with Atty Steve Gebleoff of Boca Raton, FL. Expected release date will be March 1st.

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